Very Odd Right-Click Bug

I was debugging a project that I am working on when I noticed that right clicking makes the program go insane. Right clicking in the console window pastes whatever the last item copied or cut was. The issue is that if that item involves a new line (enter) it takes what was pasted up to that point as input and then pastes the rest. I have no clue where to begin, to prevent this from happening, if it is even possible.
It's probably a feature of whatever "console window" software you're using. It might be possible to turn off this behaviour but it's impossible to say without knowing what you're using.
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I am using the basic Windows Console, and Visual Studio '13 to compile and edit the code.
I just checked my parent's computer which runs Windows 10, and if you right-click on the title bar and choose Properties you find, under the Options tab, an option called "QuickEdit Mode". Turning this option on seems to activate the behaviour you described above.
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