I wanna to make a GetComponent function for my gameObject class.
I have a vector contains all Components:
std::vector<Component*> m_components;
So if I wanna to get a Collider component which is a child class of Component class in the vector.
auto c = gameObject.GetComponent<Collider>();
For right now, I just don't know hot to check the the type below
template<typename T,typename Requires = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Component,T>::value>>
T* GameObject::GetComponent() {
T* newT = nullptr;
for each (T* var in m_components)
if (T == (var....?????)) { //how could I check the Type of var
newT = var;
return newT;
this is kind of not work. Because the dynamic_cast can cast all of the member from the m_components. For example. I also have a animation component inside of the m_components. So it is possible to cast the Animation component to a collider component
// the dynamic type of the object is either collider or a derived class of collider
bool is_collider( component* p ) { returndynamic_cast<collider*>(p) != nullptr ; }
// the dynamic type of the object is collider
bool dynamic_type_is_collider( component* p ) { return p && typeid(*p) == typeid(collider) ; }