How to make File a Reference Parameter??

Here is the question:
Change function Print so it reads from file "".
Make input file a ref. parameter to function Print.
Assume Name in one line & Address on another line.
This is the error I get:
:10: missing terminating > character
:19: fstream): No such file or directory

Below is what I've tried so far..

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream)
using namespace std;

void Print(ifstream &jy);
// Post: Name and Address is written on the screen.

int main ()
ifstream fin;"");

return 0;


void Print(ifstream &jy)
// Post: Name and Address is printed on the screen.


string Name;
string Address;

getline (jy, Name);
getline (jy, Address);

cout << Name << endl;
cout << Address << endl;

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Which line of your code is the ":10: missing terminating > character" at?
#include <fstream)

Should be :
#include <fstream>
Lol didn't notice the simplest thing xD works well now thanks! :D
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