boost::filesystem::remove_all compile error

So I am trying to delete a folder and all subdirectories, files, etc. I'm using boost/filesystem.hpp for this.

But when I try to do boost::filesystem::remove_all(path); I get a really long compile error.

I did
("/storage/emulated/0/Text Editor");
which didn't work. I'm sure the path is correct and the foler exists (has stuff inside).
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What are the compiler errors?

There are linker errors.

Link with the libraries libboost_filesystem and libboost_system


I don't know how to link them. I have filesystem.hpp but not system.hpp. Only a folder in boost called system with header files like api_config.hpp, config.hpp, etc.

Is linking just "including" more header files?
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> I don't know how to link them.

Specifying libraries to link with depends on the tool-chain that is being used.

Have the boost libraries been built? What are you using to build your own code?

I'm using C4droid. I just have have the boost folder with the libraries (.hpp) in them.
I'm using C4droid. I just have have the boost folder with the libraries (.hpp) in them.

Didn't you say you are using Code-Blocks?
I do not know anything about this C4droid tool-chain, let alone how to build the boost libraries with it.

From what I've heard, CrystaX SDK has reasonably good support for using the non-header-only boost libraries on android.
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