Code::Blocks 16.01 problem

Whenever I try to build and run a project I get a dialog box that says,"It seems that this project has not been built yet. Do you want to build it now?" I'll click yes, and the box just keep's reappearing. The build log read's like this:

mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -c "C:\C++ projects\Messing Around\main.cpp" -o obj\Debug\main.o

------Run: Debug in Messing Around (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)-----------
Checking for existence: C:\C++ projects\Messing Around\bin\debug\Messing Around.exe

I have Code::Blocks version 16.01
I had to install MinGW compiler, I selected all of the files and installed them all.

I went to the compiler settings to make sure that Code::Blocks was in the right folder (C:\MinGW) and all the necessary files are there. I just cant get the program to build. For the longest time I have used Bloodshed Dev-C++, but wanted to try a newer program. I don't even think there is support for Dev-C++ anymore.

The project is nothing more than Hello World!, but I didn't want to start getting down into coding, and not being able to run the program. I looked around the web for a possible answer, but wasn't able to find one.
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"This IDE is somewhat brain-dead, so it won't be able to find the compiler on its own."
But boy does it look pretty....I hear ya, and Ill scope that link out in a bit....I downloaded minGW and g++ again, set the environment variables right this time and now it's producing an output through cmd.
Well the good news is the program (hello world!) will build, but now through a fatal error: iostream: no such file or directory.....

Here's what my toolchain executables says:
C compiler: gcc.exe
C++ compiler : g++.exe
Linker for dynamic libs: g++.exe
Linker for static libs: ar.exe
Debugger: GDB/GCB debugger : Default
Resource Compiler: windres.exe
Make program: make.exe
Did enter the proper Installation Directory as well?

By the way what exactly does that error message say?

mingw32-g++.exe -Wall -fexceptions -g -c "C:\C++ projects\Messing Around\main.cpp" -o obj\Debug\main.o

------Run: Debug in Messing Around (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)-----------
Checking for existence: C:\C++ projects\Messing Around\bin\debug\Messing Around.exe

This is what displays in the window on the bottom of Code::Blocks

but now through a fatal error: iostream: no such file or directory.....

I was asking about the bold part of your post, but without the "......", what is the complete error message that you are referring to, all of the messages in full.

And you didn't answer the first part of my post either:

Did enter the proper Installation Directory as well?

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