Line 10: You're declaring letterarray with no bounds. You must give it a size.
Lines 10-13: These declarations serve no purpose.
Line 13: You're trying to use lettterarray in your termination check. That won't work. You probably want the size of letterarray (which you haven;t defined).
Line 14: modified not defined. No ;
Lines 15,22,25: You're trying to nest functions within your constructor. You can't do that.
Line 16: Print modified makes no sense.
Line 19: compare is not a member function of wordpuzzle.
Line 31,56: You can't make a function call in a class declaration.
Line 34,59: loop: This is not a valid C++ construct.
Line 39: You're trying to strcpy into a zero sized array. Where is word defined?
Line 44: What is this?
Lines 49-50,60-61: i is not defined.
Line 13-14: These are function declarations, not function calls.
Line 18: menu() is never called.
Note: line numbers are approximate since you did not use code tags.
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