Hello, i dont found the error of the function fscaf, look my code:
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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct{
float real_part;
float imag_part;
char sinal;
char Equal;
char delimitador;
typedef struct {
float modulo;
float angulo;
char sinal;
char Equal;
char delimitador;
union complexo {
complex_retang a;
complex_polar b;
int main()
float i;
FILE *arquivo = fopen("dados1.txt", "r");
int caractere;
int quant_linhas = 0;
while((caractere = fgetc(arquivo)) != EOF){
if(caractere == '\n'){
rewind(arquivo);//Volta ao incio do arquivo
union complexo x[quant_linhas];
for(i = 0; i < quant_linhas; i++){
fscanf(arquivo, "%f", &x[i].a.real_part);
printf("%d", quant_linhas);
return 0;
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What makes you think there's an error?
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