You have a lot of lines that don't make sense.
kbw said, why are your globals references?
printEmperorRound does nothing. It initializes a local array, but that local array goes out of scope when the function exits.
printSlaveRound ditto.
if (r = 4, r <= 4, r++)
What do you think this line does? Do you know what the comma operator does?
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d; // emperor
e; // slave
These lines do nothing.
You probably mean:
cout << d || e; // draws an emperor or slave card
How does this draw a card?
is a boolean expression.
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d > r = true; //emperor wins over citizen cards
e < r = true; // slave loses to the citizen
Huh? What kind of syntax is that? You can;t put a relational operation on the left side of an =.
r = r;
Why are you assigning a variable to itself? You're not going to change the variable.
for (x = 30; x <= 30; x--);
Two problems here.
1) You're going to have a near infinite loop here. When you decrement x, x will always be less than 30 (at least until you're run through all the negative values of x).
2) The ; at the end of the line terminates the loop, so the loop does nothing.
a = 1 == 100000;
1 will never equal 100000, so you effectively assigning 0 to a.
if (int y = 1 - 30)
You're assigning 29 to y, then testing if y is non-zero. Pointless.
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b = 1 == 500000; //slave's side
if (int y = 1 - 30)
Same as last two comments.
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printWager; //place a bet by millimeters
Those are not valid function calls. Function calls need ().
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printWager(); //place a bet by millimeters
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