Expert Help please

Can anybody help me correct this program ? there are 6 errors in this programs, i use my dev run and know the errors but i just dont know how to correct it.

// Debug Program -- there are 6 errors in this program
// Correct this program

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

void readData(ifstream& inputFile, int list[], int size);
void holdscrn( ); // void function to hold screen open before exit

int main()
int scores[8] = {0};

ifstream infile;"TestScoresData.txt");

if (infile)
cout << "Cannot open the input file. Program terminates!"
<< endl;
holdscrn( ); // Hold screen before exit
return 1;

readData(infile, scores, 8);
print(scores, 8);
cout << endl;


holdscrn( ); // Hold screen before exit
return 0;

void readData(ifstream& inputFile, int list[], int size)
int score;
int index;

cin >> score;

while (inputFile)
index = score / 25;

if (index == size)
if (index < size)

inputFile >> score;
return 0;

void print(int list[], int size)
int range;
int lowRange = 0;
int upperRange = 24;

cout << " Range # of Students" << endl;

for (range = 0; range < size; range++)
cout << setw(3) << lowRange << " - "
<< upperRange << setw(15)
<< list[range] << endl;
lowRange = upperRange + 1;
upperRange = upperRange + 25;
if (range == size - 2)
cout << endl;

void holdscrn( ) // void function to hold screen open before exit
char holdscreen;
cout << "\n\n\tEnter one character and press return to exit program: ";
cin >> holdscreen;

1. Edit your post so that the code is in code tags. See
Keep indentation systematic too.

2. Show us the error messages. Why should we have to fire up a compiler to get the information that you already have?
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