Create a gradebook program that allows the user to create a new class with a specified number of students, read student names & ids into the program from a file. The program should also allow as many grades as the teacher wants and what to name them. The program should allow the student name and id to be input from a file as well. The teacher should be able to add a Test name and that name is created in every student in the teachers class.
Extra Credit: Allow the user to save all the data to a file and then rerun the program to reload the data file.
A class that holds all the student data including:
First Name
Last Name
Student ID
The number of grades
A vector of a structure for grade information This structure contains the following data:
Grade Name
Maximum value of Grade (default to 100)
Weight (default is 1)
The class should have
accessor (getters) and mutator(setters) functions
A default constructor
An average calculator (make sure it accounts for max value and weight)
A way to add 1 student at a time prompted on-screen
A setter that sets first name, Last name and id
The above are the required classes and structs but you can create others as well.
Class and struct definitions must be in separate .h files. Class functions must be in separate .ccp files.
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