some problems with cout vector<vec>


can someone fix my problems. i have no idea what is not working. i got this code with a vector<int>. i only changed this <int> to <vec> and nothing is working anymore.

i have to say i am a beginner

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
void swap(vec& a, vec& b)
vec x = a;
a = b;
b = x;
//print the values
void printVector(std::vector<vec>& theVector)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i<theVector.size(); i++)
//std::cout << theVector[i] << ",";
std::cout << "\n";

//generate values
void generateAllPermutations(std::vector<vec>& toBePermuted, unsigned int nextIndex)
if (nextIndex == toBePermuted.size())
for (unsigned int i = nextIndex; i<toBePermuted.size(); i++)
swap(toBePermuted[i], toBePermuted[nextIndex]);
generateAllPermutations(toBePermuted, nextIndex + 1);
swap(toBePermuted[i], toBePermuted[nextIndex]);

//generate values
void generateAllPermutations(std::vector<vec>& toBePermuted)
generateAllPermutations(toBePermuted, 0);
void setup()
std::vector<vec> theVector;

vec x(0, 1, 2);
vec y(3, 4, 5);
vec z(6, 7, 8);


vec x;
std::cin >> x;
What is that vec?

PS. Please use the code tags, when you post code.
sorry what you mean with code tags?

that vec is defined in the void setup () as vec x(1,1,1) vec y(1,1,1) and so on.....
that vec represents three different values of a range.
Add [code] and [/code] around your code so it is formatted properly.

Where is the type vec defined? It is not a standard type so it has to have been defined somewhere.
oh ok, sorry.....

the type vec is defined in another class:

[class DLL_API vec
double x,y,z ;
vec(double _x, double _y , double _z );
bool operator == (vec other) ;
void operator += (vec other) ;
void operator -= (vec other) ;
vec operator + (vec other) ;
vec operator - (vec other) ;
void operator *= (double fac) ;
vec operator * (double fac) ;
vec operator / (double fac) ;
void operator /= (double fac) ;
vec operator /= (double &fac) ;
double operator *= (vec &other) ;
double operator * (vec &other) ;
double mag() ;
vec normalise() ;
double distanceTo( vec other ) ;
vec cross( vec &b ) ;
double angle(vec b) ;
double static angle_2D(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
vec moveAlongDir( float d , vec a = vec(0,0,0));
void print() ;
Why isn't that class definition included?
i have forgotten it, but that change anything
¿have you overload the insertion (>>) and extraction (<<) operators to make `vec' work with streams?

> and nothing is working anymore.
¿is it so hard to provide the error messages that your compiler is gently giving you?
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