Combine two program into one


i tried to combine two programs into one..
in my first program it has one class object and main() and my second program it has only one main()

i want to combine these two into one

how to do this? can you help me?
It's almost certainly possible. However, you've shown us no code, and told us nothing about what your programs do, nor about how you wish to combine their functionality. How on earth do you expect us to be able to help you?
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As MikeyBoy says, if you provide us the code, we can at least do something... Theres always a way to Combine two programs.

Just create a new Project for now and post your code here...
Or use the other thread:

(Doubleposting is counterproductive.)
Hai dear,

i have two program its like

program 1:

#header file
class {
int main()

program 2:


int main()

so here i need to add second program functions into first program


class {
int maine()

original second program element;

//here i need to add second program functions//


and need one result

so can you helpe me?

As keskiverto has already said:
Doubleposting is counterproductive.

Please don't try and fragment discussion of your problem across multiple threads. It wastes peoples' time, and ultimately reduces the quality of the help you receive.
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