C vs C++ - Request for more information ...

Pages: 12
Thank you for the links.

Everywhere I have been reading (including the links provided) seem to suggest that, if properly coded for, C++ is as fast if not a little faster than C in most scenarios because of the templating system.

One last bit before I retire this topic; has anyone proven this academically?

Are there example problems/programs showing real life scenarios where C++ is as fast or even a little faster than C?

Thank you again for your time.
An old paper (1999):
This paper compares a few examples of simple C++ programs written in a modern style using the standard library to traditional C-style solutions. It argues briefly that lessons from these simple examples are relevant to large programs. More generally, it argues for a use of C++ as a higher-level language that relies on abstraction to provide elegance without loss of efficiency compared to lower-level styles.

- Learning Standard C++ as a New Language. C/C++ Users Journal. pp 43-54. May 1999 http://www.stroustrup.com/new_learning.pdf

A more recent paper by Stroustrup:
Here, I will explore, and debunk, five popular myths about C++:
4. “For efficiency, you must write low-level code”

Excellent! I knew white papers existed but I guess I was searching incorrectly!

Thank you.
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Pages: 12