(i formated the pc, but i forget these :( )
i have the Code Blocks IDE with GNU compiler(download individualy.
how can i config the IDE for detect the include folder?
You should immediately get the codeblocks version that comes with gcc if you get compiling problems.
Anyways, I don't know anything about a "include" folder, the only thing I could relate to is possibly the include folder of "SDL", but its not part of code blocks...
finally i fix that ;)
with several work and head pain hahahaha
in Global Settings - ToolChain executables:
- Compiler directory is where we put the mingw32 folder;
- the Linker for dynamic lib can have the wrong filename, must be changed to: i686-w64-mingw32-g++.exe (but can be dependent of the mingw32 version);
- click on Auto-detect button for get an message if was detected;
in Search Directores tab:
- Compiler is the include folder: ...\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\include ;
- Linker is the lib folder ...\mingw32\i686-w64-mingw32\include ;
now, in a project, menu Project - build options:
- the Search Directories must be like what i said;
- the Linker Settings is for add the library or dll that your project needs.