I am having a problem with the duplication of a line I'm outputting from a file. Whenever I run the program the last line in the "New accounts" portion is always repeated. Can anyone help with this problem before 11:59 PM Sunday?
Here is my code for reference:
void ProcessAccounts(std::ifstream &ifile, std::ofstream &ofile, double rate)
// Everyday the bank checks the status of the accounts and processes them
// If the customer has:
// 1) a positive savings balance, pay them interest
// 2) a negative savings balance, transfer it to credit (credit is positive)
// 3) a credit balance, charge them interest
// Note: Unlike normal banks, the interest rate for savings and credit is the same
// Read the info from the input file
// Put the new info into the output file
// The format for the input file and output file should be
// There is a single space between each value and a newline at the end
// Put your code here
double save;
std::string name;
double credit;
while (!ifile.eof())
ifile >> name >> save >> credit;
if (save >= 0)
double diff = save;
diff = diff*(1+(rate/100));
save = diff;
credit = credit *(1+(rate/100));
else if ((credit > save)&&(save < 0))
double diff2= credit-save;
diff2=diff2 * (1+(rate/100));
save = 0;
void PrintFileContents(std::ifstream &str)
// Print the contents of the file
// First, print the file headers
// Then, print each line.
// Make sure the text is properly formatted
// Remember the functions available in iomanip?
// Name Savings Credit
// Bob $23.56 $0.00
// Joe $43.52 $0.00
// Sally -$1.58 $0.00
// Put your code here
std::string name;
double saving;
double credit;
std::ifstream GetInputFile(std::string filename)
// Open the file named filename
// Make sure it exists
// Return it as an input file stream
// Put your code here
std::ifstream Name(filename);
if (!Name)
std::cerr << "File couldn't be opened" << std::endl;
return Name;
std::ofstream GetOutputFile(std::string filename)
// Open the file named filename
// Make sure it exists
// Return it as an output file stream
// Put your code here
std::ofstream Name(filename);
if (!Name)
std::cerr << "File couldn't be opened" << std::endl;
return Name;
void SetInputStreamPos(std::ifstream &str, int pos)
// Set the 'g'et cursor to the desired byte in the stream
// Use the beginning of the file as the reference point
// Put your code here
void SetOutputStreamPos(std::ofstream &str, int pos)
// Set the 'p'ut cursor to the desired byte in the stream
// Use the beginning of the file as the reference point
// Put your code here
str.seekp(pos, std::ios::beg);