Is it good practice to return different variables based on the parameter value?
Dec 4, 2014 at 6:14pm UTC
Say I have a GetSomething(char type) function which returns two different variables based on what you pass it, like so:
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float Flashlight::GetSomething(char type){
if (type == 'x' ){
return velocityX;
else if (type == 'y' ){
return velocityY;
else {
std::cout << "Debug: Programming error getting flashlight velocity\n" ;
On a scale of null pointers to (insert something notably good), how good or bad is this practice? Just asking out of pure curiosity.
Dec 4, 2014 at 6:41pm UTC
It is not absolutely terrible; except that you must return a value even if the argument is not 'x' or 'y'.
Or not return at all (throw an exception).
Why not have two functions?
1 2
float Flashlight::veclocity_x() const { return velocityX ; }
float Flashlight::veclocity_y() const { return velocityY ; }
Why is the type
float (not
double )?
Dec 5, 2014 at 2:05am UTC
Ok I'll add seperate functions then, I just like knowing of alternate routes. I'm using floats because sfml is only compatible with floats. What is wrong with a float versus a double?
Dec 5, 2014 at 5:09am UTC
> What is wrong with a float versus a double?
double is the natural floaing point type in C++; 5.78 is
double , not
float . A conversion from
float to
double is a promotion.
On modern processors, the difference in performance between
float and
double is very small, while the differences in range and precision are significant.
When several million numbers are involved,
float 's smaller memory footprint gives it a small edge; more numbers fit into a cache line; uses less memory bandwidth; SIMD instructions may be able to parallelise more operations.
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#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <numeric>
#include <ctime>
template < typename T, std::size_t N > std::clock_t test( T (&a)[N], T& v )
const auto start = std::clock() ;
std::fill( a, a+N, 1 ) ;
for ( std::size_t i = 0 ; i < N ; ++i )
a[i] += std::sin( a[i] ) ;
a[i] *= ( 1 + std::sqrt( a[i] ) ) ;
a[i] -= std::cos( a[i] ) ;
a[i] = std::abs(a[i]) ;
a[i] += std::log( a[i] ) ;
a[i] *= ( 1 + std::sqrt( a[i] ) ) ;
a[i] += std::lgamma( a[i] ) ;
v = std::accumulate( a, a+N, 0 ) ;
return std::clock() - start ;
int main()
constexpr std::size_t N = 1024*1024*4 ;
static float f[N] ;
float v ;
std::cout << "float: " << test(f,v) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " millisecs\n" ;
static double d[N] ;
double v ;
std::cout << "double: " << test(d,v) * 1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " millisecs\n" ;
clang++ -std=c++14 -stdlib=libc++ -O3 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors main.cpp -lsupc++ && ./a.out
g++ -std=c++14 -O3 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic-errors main.cpp && ./a.out
float: 1110 millisecs
double: 1300 millisecs
float: 1050 millisecs
double: 1240 millisecs
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