So I have to generate a random number between 1 and 6 and then store that same random number into an int variable. Eg, if the random number is 4, that must be stored into int i.
Ugh no. I've only started out using C++ so I don't know any of that stuff.
I've done input, output, ifs, and loops.
This program I have to do is rolling an imaginary dice and ouputting a random between 1 and 6 obviously. Then I have to store that number into an int. Then I have to roll it again and add whatever is outputted the second to the first value. Eg if the first roll is 5 and the second is 3, then that will add up to 8. I just need to know how to store the same random number into an int. I just need to know what to put in after this line of I code I have.