You will generally get help quicker when you narrow down your problem. Pasting the entire program with a description of "doesn't work" will generally get you very slow to zero help.
So, narrow down your problem (yes, this will require more work and research on your part, this is good for you :) ), write out a decent question, and then you will get more than enough help. And a lot of times, just the act of writing out a decent question will reveal the problem to you. There have been countless times I spent a good 15 minutes writing out a question only to get halfway done and end up uncovering the problem myself.
Being able to write a good question is essential for software developers. Nobody knows everything, so you will be consulting places like this and StackOverflow fairly regularly. Being able to write a good question will only help you. Read these guidelines and try to stick to them:
Alright my question is i wrote the program to pick numbers from 1-50 and heap.. but for some reason the array is not functioning properly and its only using the number 50, not 1-50
This program seems to be alright, but why I think you don't understand the code.
Is this the program you code it yourself?
You just add elements, myheap->insert(K);, as many as you want and you'll get your heap tree.
If you want to put all data into array just loop and use delete_min() put to array.
Or if you want to code new using only array, just use linklists in array or use sort function.