what is the maximum range of integer array for initialization??

i have tried like that int arr[1000000] to initialize but it crashed my programm.but if i do int arr[100000] it works fine..why is that and what is the maximum range of integer array initialization??
> what is the maximum range of integer array initialization??

Depends on the storage duration and the implementation.

static int arr[1000000] ; would be supported by most implementations.
you are writing it static..is simply int is posible??
int array[1000000]

Assuming an int is 4 bytes, that's approximately 3.8 Megabytes.
In Visual Studio, I believe the stack size is 1 MB by default, and on other implementations it goes up to 4 MB. However, all compilers provide settings to change the default stack size I believe.

But, you wouldn't have this problem to begin with if you used dynamic (heap) memory instead.
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You would still be limited by the amount of free ram on your computer though.
> is simply int is posible??

Use std::vector<int> arr(1000000) ;
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