C++ Programs???

Hello Everyone...
Being a Programmer is my Dream I've learned C++ till Classes, Now I'm in Classes but I'm really confused what kind of programs I can write in I just love C++, but I don't know what to write in it.
I know a HTML and I'm 14 Years old
Like if you can give me any suggestions that what kind of programs I can write in.
Well with c++ you can do anything pretty much . Note sure how much you know but there a a lot of youtube videos out there about c++. There you should find plenty of inspiration.
You're limited only by your own imagination. Start by writing some simple games.
If Can You give me an example code of a simple game.
That would help me a lot.
Search this forum for tic-tac-toe or hangman. Those are popular starters.

If I give you the code, you're not learning by writing something.
If you get stuck, you can always post here.
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