running eclipse and getting a bunch of errors! HELP


Im making a program on eclipse(linux), and getting a bunch of errors...

type string couldn't be resolved
symbol std couldn't be resolved
unresolved inclusion <iostream>
invalid preprocessing directive #include

Does anyone know whats going on? I'm pretty sure it must be something with configuration..?? HELP!!!!!!

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Are you sure you are compiling the code as C++?
Yes, i created a c++ project.
I think you will have to post your real code and error message. Or does all C++ code fail to compile? Even a simple hello world program?
#include <iostream>

int main()
	std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
All c++ code fail to compile..i just tried the hello world program..
Can you post the complete and exact list of errors you get? It might contain clues about what's going on.
Description Resource Path Location Type
No return, in function returning non-void Arena.cpp /RPG line 36 Code Analysis Problem
No return, in function returning non-void Arena.cpp /RPG line 15 Code Analysis Problem
Type 'string' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 15 Semantic Error
Symbol 'std' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 7 Semantic Error
No return, in function returning non-void Arena.cpp /RPG line 40 Code Analysis Problem
Type 'string' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 18 Semantic Error
Type 'stringstream' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 17 Semantic Error
Type 'string' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 40 Semantic Error
Type 'string' could not be resolved Arena.cpp /RPG line 36 Semantic Error
make: *** [Arena.o] Error 127 RPG C/C++ Problem
Program "g++" not found in PATH Preferences, C++/Build/Settings/Discovery, [CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings] options C/C++ Scanner Discovery Problem
Is GCC installed?
How do i know if its installed?
It depends on your distribution I guess but look for a package named g++ in the package manager. On Debian/Ubuntu I recommend you install the build-essential package if you haven't already.
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