Issue with \n in output


I have the following debug statement in my code:
 printf("testing \n")

When i run the code in debug mode, instead of having output like:
i would get some weird character like a music note for the newline escape sequence.

Does anyone know why?

Thanks in advanced!

Any chance you might have displayed a shift out (SO) character? This could cause extended ASCII characters to be displayed.

Im not sure. But the output is basically:

testing <a music note for \><0 with inverted background color> and repeat....

I have a picture of the output but i dont believe i can attach to the post.
Actually i think the extended ASCII character is being displayed. How do i fix that?

Code page 437 produces graphic character (eighth note) when ASCII CR (13) is printed to the display.

"\n" is getting translated to "\r\n" (for Windows newline sequence), but it is not displaying correctly.

What of the following things you using?
- OS
- Console Program
- Compiler
- Locale
i am using:
-windows server 2008
-visual studio

i did a chcp in cmd and it showed the code page is 437...
I'm still not sure why printf() is not translating that CR properly.

It might be relevant: Are you in China (or round-abouts) using a Chinese-language version of Windows / language pack on Windows?

It might be that the translation to double-byte or shift-JIS or whatever your system is using is not happening properly with the printf(), causing the console to display it improperly.

I don't know what to do about it, either. You might need to find a version of libc that knows about internationalization. Or there might be a compiler switch in there somewhere to turn it on. Or you might just have to

setlocale( LC_ALL, "" );

at the top of your program, or something.

Sorry I can't be of more help.
I will give setlocale a try. If that doesn't work maybe i will try to do it on other computer.

Thanks for the help!
If it doesn't help, you should see if there is a forum about Chinese Windows versions and programming -- they are sure to have encountered this issue before.

I know very little about it -- I'm sitting in NJ USA with nothing more than basic Chinese language packs installed -- which do not modify my system significantly...
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