Hey everyone, I had a question about the proper syntax of using fixed and scientific precision
Specifically on which has to come first.
If I place
cout.setf(ios::fixed) AFTER I say cout.precision(3), will a precision of 3 decimal places output? Or do I have to place the cout.setf(ios::fixed) BEFORE I declare a precision?
Also, how/when is a fixed decimal precision stopped? When I change the precision from lets say cout.precision(3) to cout.precision(14). Do I have to put cout.setf(ios::fixed) between the cout.precision(3) and cout.precision(14), or can I just continue on?
The effect of setting a format parameter is usually permanent; that is, the parameter setting is in effect until the setting is explicitly changed. The only exception to this rule is the field width. The width is automatically reset to its default value, 0, after each input or output operation that uses the field width. https://stdcxx.apache.org/doc/stdlibug/28-3.html