Hi, I've been a lurker here for the last year but today I have a question.
I'm creating a manic shooter engine for my game, and I'm using SFML for the graphics. I know some objects will be represented using sprites while others will consist of vertex arrays. I need to make a bunch of nested classes, and I need help about virtual inheritance. Here is the list of objects I need to make:
drawable: anything which can be drawn in the game
- bool _visible
- vector _position
- angle _orientation
+ virtual draw() =0 // we don't know if it's a sprite or vertex-based image yet
spriteDrawable: inherits from drawable, can be drawn with a sprite
- sprite _sprite
+ draw(){ /* if _visible, draw _sprite at _position with _orientation */ }
vertexDrawable: inherits from drawable, can be drawn with a vertex-based shape
- vertexArray _body
+ draw(){ /* if _visible, draw _body at _position with _orientation */ }
Now I need to make different objects which can be drawn, but also have other properties. Is there a way to make a class called movable which inherits from drawable, then make another class which inherits from both movable and spriteDrawable? Or do I need to make a vertexMovable and a spriteMovable class?
struct drawable
virtual ~drawable() {}
// ...
struct sprite_drawable : virtual drawable
// ...
struct vertex_drawable : virtual drawable
// ...
struct moveable : virtual drawable
// ...
// inherits drawable virtually; there is only one object of type drawable
// shared by the three classes involved
struct sprite_moveable : virtual drawable, sprite_drawable, moveable
// ...
// virtual drawable is implied even if we don't specify it explicitly
// order of construction is:
// a. virtual base classes in order of virtual inheritance (1. drawable)
// b. non-virtual base classes in order of inheritance (2. sprite_drawable, 3. moveable)
// c. constructor of the class (4. vertex_moveable)
struct vertex_moveable : /* virtual drawable, */ sprite_drawable, moveable
// ...