Thanks for the link JLBorges. I was able to download that and follow the instructions all the way to the end. I went with option A and I got the proper message after I ran set_distros_path.bat
Now I just have to figure out how to link that into codeblocks. I still have some reading to do on that. I think I need to make a copy of the GCC compiler in the global compiler settings then manually link all the libraries in the boost folder.
ok I got the NUWEN MinGW to work on codeblocks but it still won't compile any boost programs. Let me play with some more settings.
edit.. hmmmm... I think this might be what I need to learn here.
I wonder if that means I have to include the header file path in the c++ code or add that after the linker settings in the IDE. Time to play with stuff some more.
If anybody was interested in my log files when I tried to compile the Boost Library myself this is what it looks like.
*I unzipped a Boost 1.55.0 into an empty folder on my C:\ drive.
*I unzipped into the same folder as Boost 1.55.0 and overwrote any duplicate files.
*I opened the command prompt, navigated to the boost_1_55_0 folder, then I typed
bootstrap.bat gcc
and hit enter.
*I got the error message
'gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. |
I noticed the log file had said "using msvc" if i just tried to run
by itself so I tried with gcc.
Anyways here is the log file.
Thanks again for the help. I feel like I'm slowly learning what I need to be able to make this work :)
Another update. I think this information here might be relevant to getting boost to work.
From your boost_X_XX_X directory, go to
and type:
build.bat mingw
This will create a folder called bin.nt86_64 (for 64 bit OS...I don't know what it is on 32 bit systems). Add this directory to your PATH environment variable.
Return to your boost_X_XX_X directory and type:
bjam toolset=gcc
At least when I followed those instructions something different showed up. Picture below.
I'm beginning to suspect my problem might be coming from me using mingw to begin with. I think mingw is oriented for linux? That might be why it's giving me issues on windows. I could probably try visual c++ if I can't figure this out in another day or two.
I would like to move away from Windows 8 because it annoys me but I don't know anything else and I'd feel better if I had another computer to mess around on so if I break the operating systems software or bios (now called UEFI i guess), I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to get stuff done while I reinstalled everything again.
Maybe after xmas I'll get another computer to mess around with and install linux. Then I'd feel better about having a backup in the highly probable event I destroy my bios (uefi), partition table, or operating system.
Anyways sorry for the wall of text. I think what I'm trying to accomplish here is beyond my skill set and the people who would have the skills to install boost on windows 8 probably don't use the operating system to begin with.
I'll just mark this topic as done to stop this thread from getting out of hand.
I'll see if I can try the boost IRC tomorrow before I give up and try a new compiler / IDE.