Python Programming for beginners.

First off, i am sorry if this is the wrong plase to post this. I dont know where to.

I am looking to learn python programming. I am currently learning C++.
But i hear there are two types. 2.x and 3.x. Which do I learn and whats the difference?

You know any good books?
closed account (N36fSL3A)
Why not focus on one language at a time?
> Which do I learn and whats the difference?


If you are new to Python, I would say learn Python 3.

> You know any good books?

Typically, one starts with this:
There are posts all about the difference on every Python forum. Google 'python forums' or just check out

Basically Python 3 is preferred unless you need to use a module (python package) that hasn't been updated to version 3 yet. Most every module has a python 3 version at this point.
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