I have been sharpening my coding skills for the past few days and what better way to do that than solve Google's programming challenges. The following code is my solution to this problem:
My program, however, does not ask the user for the number of items (I). It counts that itself. Other than that, what shortcomings do you see in my code and what recommendations would you make. I have commented as much as I can to help you read through the code. Serious replies only. Thanks a bunch.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
usingnamespace std;
//The type of elements the array holds
struct STRUCT
vector<int> VECT4; //holds the price values for each case
int CREDIT; //holds credit for each case
int INDEX1; //
int INDEX2; //They hold the smaller and larger index
//of items that add up to the given credit
int main()
vector<int> VECT1;
vector<int> VECT2;
vector<int> VECT3;
int N;
int C;
cout << "Enter test cases: ";
cin >> N;
//Dynamically allocate an array of type STRUCT
//This outermost for loop will iterate as many times as there are
//test cases. For each iteration, it will ask the user for credit
//and price values. It will assign the credit value and corresponding
//price values, as integers, to the struct of the specific test.
//Once this "outermost" for loop ends, the program will then calculate
//the indices where the two numbers that add up to credit occur.
for(int y = 0; y < N; y++)
cout << "Enter credit: ";
cin >> C;
//Char array to hold price values
cout << "Enter prices: ";
char INPUT[120];
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
//Assign credit to respective structs
int counter = 0;
//Count the number of price values entered
//Total numbers entered = total spaces + 1
for(int a = 0; INPUT[a] != '\0'; a++)
if(INPUT[a] == ' ')
VECT3.push_back(a + 1);
//Since the value entered by the user is stored into a char array,
//I will extract each char and covert it into an int as long as it
//is not a whitespace or as long as end of array hasn't reached.
//Each number extracted will be put in vector VECT1.
for(int x = 0; x <= NUMBERCOUNT; x++)
while(INPUT[counter] != ' ' && INPUT[counter] != '\0')
int temp = INPUT[counter] - '0';
//temporary int holder
int HOLDER = 0;
//For instance, if VECT1 contains elements 1, 2 and 3
//then the following for loop will combine those elements
//into 123 and store it in VECT2
for(int m = 0; m < VECT1.size(); m++)
HOLDER = HOLDER + (VECT1[VECT1.size() - (m + 1)] * pow(10, m));
//VECT3 holds the indeces right after
//the whitespace in INPUT array.
//counter gets reinitialized to that index
//with every iteration.
counter = VECT3[x];
}//end parse for
//Put price values into VECT4 of each array element.
//VECT4 belonging to each struct will hold numbers
//corresponding to price values for that test case
for(int n = 0; n < VECT2.size(); n++)
//Clear vectors for reuse
cout << endl;
//The following nested loop calculates the output
//i.e. at what positions in the input price list do the
//values occur
for(int e = 0; e < ARRAY[y].VECT4.size(); e++)
for(int f = e + 1; f < ARRAY[y].VECT4.size(); f++)
if(ARRAY[y].VECT4[e] + ARRAY[y].VECT4[f] == ARRAY[y].CREDIT)
ARRAY[y].INDEX1 = e + 1;
ARRAY[y].INDEX2 = f + 1;
cout << "-------OUTPUT-------" << endl;
cout << endl;
for(int g = 0; g < N; g++)
cout << "Case #" << g + 1 << ": ";
cout << ARRAY[g].INDEX1 << " " << ARRAY[g].INDEX2 << endl;
cout << endl;
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
cout << "Press ANY key to exit..." << endl;
return 0;
ne555, it says in the problem statement that the user enters the price values as one-line space-separated statement. I don't see how I can do that with ints. Also, for your other suggestion, what is the alternative?
for c in xrange( input() ):
credit = input()
items = map( int, raw_input().split())
for i, t in enumerate(items):
if t < credit:
k = items.index(credit - t)
except IndexError:
k = null
if ( k != null ):
print "Case #" + str(-~c) + ":", i+1, k+1
E: @ne555, you do need to read in all the values at once because otherwise you are assuming that the 2 numbers will occur one after the other
The Google test data has an error in it because they were not specific that the two items must be different items. (What if I want to buy two of the same thing?)
For the data they provide, the intersection of {x|x: all item prices} and {x|x:all (C - item price)} may be two or three (cardinality-wise).
Granted, I'm picking here, but it is an important nit-pick.
@vasiqisbewildered, your code produces a segmentation fault when run with the input file provided on the website. Using gdb, I found the error to be occuring on line 108.
The only thing that made your code inefficient was that you were storing the values you got instead of using them immediately. In most programming contests, you will not have enough time within the maximum run time to store the values, then read them again then store the answer and print the answers later. You just have to read in as much as you need to solve the first case, then move on to the next. Since input will be coming from stdin and the tester does not wait for each output before giving the next input, your program will already have all the input it needs loaded onto a reserved memory space and it will just read from that until it runs out of things to read and your job is to print the correct answer to stdout in the format specified
Final one in python, confirmed that it works by submission:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
for c in xrange( input() ):
credit = input()
items = map( int, raw_input().split())
for i, t in enumerate(items):
if t < credit:
k = 1 + items[-~i:].index(credit - t) + i
except ValueError or IndexError:
k = -1
if ( k != -1 ):
print "Case #" + str(-~c) + ":", i+1, k+1
> What if I want to buy two of the same thing?
Read the clarification
- Can i buy the same item twice?
- No, the store has only one copy of each item. You must buy two different items.
Ah, I missed that. (I've never looked at the code jam stuff before...)
My code created essentially a pair of sets - one with the prices - the other with the prices subtracted from C - and found the intersection.
Ah, well... time to go make popcorn balls for the children at school tomorrow... that I work with...
I've already made corn-cereal peanut-butter bars. (Some of the kids are allergic to peanuts, though, and so the popcorn balls.) A few of the other teachers will want some too...
Smac89, so your 34 lines of c++ code are basically doing the same thing as my 167 lines? If so, bravo my friend! Also, would you be kind enough to go through your code (or maybe just comment) so I have an idea of what it is doing. The following snippet, however, does not take into account that price values are entered as space-separated values in one line.
And everyone, please don't forget how the price values are entered. Most of my code is convering a char array into integer values. The user will input price values as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef std::deque<int> d_i;
usingnamespace std;
int main()
/*Variable declarations Begin*/
d_i items;
d_i::iterator ptr;
int C, credit, l, temp, len;
/*Variable declarations End*/
//Actual code
//First we read in the number of test cases and store this value in C
for ( scanf("%d", &C), len = 0; len++ < C; ) {
//Next read in amount of credit
scanf ("%d", &credit );
//Start reading in the items found as we go through the store
for ( scanf("%d", &l); l--; ) {
cin >> temp;
//Store them in the container
items.push_back (temp);
//Now we have all the items on the list
//Time to determine the 2 which will take up all of our credit
//Set an iterator at the start of our container
for ( d_i::iterator it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) {
//This line is not needed, but was added by me to eliminate doing extraneous work for
//numbers that obviously would not work
if ( *it < credit )
/*Once we find a number in the container that is below the credit amount,
*then we try to find another number such that when added to the one we found
*will equal the credit amount.
*For this I used the 'find' function in the algorithm library
*The search starts at the next index after the index of the first value we find
*This is to eliminate using the same amount as in the case where the value found is half of the credit
*( I believe this is what threw @Duoas off )
if ( ( ptr = std::find( it+1, items.end(), (credit - *it) )) != items.end() ) {
//If the find function finds such a number, it will return an iterator to that place in the container
//So that means we have found the pair of numbers; and as there could only exist one such pair
//as stated by the requirements we have a solution
cout << "Case #" << len << ": " << -~( it - items.begin() ) << " " << -~( ptr - items.begin() ) << endl;
//calulate the iterator distances from the start
//and output the smaller one first and the larger one
//Break out of the for-loop as we have found the only pairs in this container
//Clear the list/container and go to next test case
return 0;
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int counter = 0;
int N = 0;
int I = 0;
int C = 0;
int p[2000]; // number max items = 2000, for case N = 50;
int seekItems()
for (int i=0; i<I; i++)
for (int j=0; j<I; j++)
if (i!=j || j!=i)
int z = p[i]+p[j];
if (z==C)
if (i<j)
cout<<" case #"<<counter<<" "<<i+1<<" "<<j+1<<'\n';
return 0;
cout<<" case #"<<counter<<" "<<j+1<<" "<<i+1<<'\n';
return 0;
return 0;
int main()
cout<<"input number of the case: "<<'\n';
while (counter<N)
cout<<" input your bonus credit: "<<'\n';
cout<<" input number of the items: "<<'\n';
for (int i=0; i<I; i++)
p[i] = rand() % 150 + counter; // generator of random values, not to find special solutions. may also occur the case that no two items compatible with C
for (int i=0; i<I; i+=10)
cout<<p[i]<<" "<<p[i+1]<<" "<<p[i+2]<<" "<<p[i+3]<<" "<<p[i+4]<<" "<<p[i+5]<<" "<<p[i+6]<<" "<<p[i+7]<<" "<<p[i+8]<<" "<<p[i+9]<<'\n';
return 0;
Smac89, that is genius. So c++ does have various tools to make programmers life easy. I will now begin work on another google codejam, keeping your coding techniques in mind all the way through. Thanks a bunch. I look forward to learn more and more c++ here.