How shall I start the following program? I have no idea and its due in 2 days. Please help. I have no clue where to start from.
1. You are to write a program that simulates the grading rules for students.
2. The program must create an array to hold the marks from 12 modules.
3. It must calculate the average mark and display a degree grade based on that mark (1st for 70+,2i for 60-70, 2ii for 50-60, and 3rd for 40-50. (Fail for an average below 40.)
4. However if they pass on average, but they have any module mark below 35, the program must instead display a message “Referred in module i” where i shows the index of the problem module, for each such module.
5. You must include a section of your program to prompt and read in from the user (with repeated reading if they enter invalid values) .
Would anyone be willing to make this for me please? I dont understand this. I know the basic commands to start off with, however dont know how to implement the required functions