Counting the number of each type of variable

I'm a basic C++ programmer, and I am stuck on this problem. You work for a company that collects a set of numbers. The numbers are located in a data file named "./Data_File". The data file contains two columns. My question is, how do you count a certain number on the left column.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

#define DATA_FILE1 "./Data_File"
#define SUCEESS 0
#define FAIL 1

class Company
void load_data();
int count_nums_by_type();
struct CompInfo
int fav_num; //number I am trying to find (nums range 1-10)
int hours_tv //num of how many hours of tv you watch per night
ifstream in_data1; //data from file
int num_people;

int main ()

delete [] CompNums;

void Company::load_data(); //loads the file into the array, and counts the data
string line;
int size = 0;;
if (
cout<<"cannot open instream input file\n\n";
return (FAIL);
while(getline(in_data1, line)) size++;


CompInfo *CompNums = new CompInfo[size];

for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)

int Company::count_nums_by_type();
//This is the part I am confused on. How would I count the number of each type
//of numbers (1-10)
How to count?

For example, you throw dice. When you get 2 for the first time, you have seen 2 once. Every time you get 2 again, you have got 2 one more time than so far. Same procedure for the other values. Thus, in the end you have a table where you have (value, count) pairs.
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