Beginners - September 2019 (Page 4)

Using a file, structures, passing parameters
I am supposed to use functions outside of main to load a structure of speakers with information from the user, and then access each piece of information from a ...
[3 replies] Last: WAY to many errors. Your bool function "openInFile" doesn't end - you'... (by zapshe)
New Roman Numeral Converter
Write a program to read in New Roman numerals and print out their values(base 10 number). Old Roman numerals do not have a smaller value in front of a larger on...
[18 replies] Last: What is the statement on line 3 and 4? Is that an array of sorts? I... (by deleted account xyzzy)
thread writing value.
Write your question here. #include <pthread.h> int counter = 10; void *worker(void *arg) { counter--; return = 0; } int main() { pthread_t p1 = 0...
[2 replies] Last: > counter possible value will be 7,8,9,10. 1. Your counter counts down... (by salem c)
Punch Line case
Write a program that reads and prints a joke and its punch line from two different files. The first file contains a joke, but not its punch line. The second fil...
[5 replies] Last: Thankyou so much Zapshe and Duthomhas Dear Zapshe, Actually Joke ... (by shoaib yehya)
by pm9ljr
cant get sample program to compile
Just starting out and trying to compile the sample programs as I read along. in the below code I keep getting Severity Code Description Project File Line Su...
[7 replies] Last: The error message of interest would have contained something like "unr... (by Ganado)
Templates and wchar_t
I do not understand why I am getting the error "no instance of overload function "remove" matches the argument list. I am trying to pass a wchar_t and a const w...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that did the trick. Will look into integrating clang into my s... (by michaelwilliams6511)
by cash
finding median of an array
I'm having problems with an error saying "invalid operands" for the line "m= a +a[median-1];" void median(DollarAmount a , int size){ // calculates the m...
[6 replies] Last: Last post is a duplicate of (by MikeyBoy)
by kon
std::inner_product in class template
Hi! I encounter a problem when I tried to use inner product inside the class (I need to subtract the absolute values of two vectors). I cannot pass my own bina...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, that works! Thank you very much! (by kon)
Random number generator
I am working on a code that generates 35 random numbers between 0 and 199. Here is what I have so far. However, I would like to now have it sort by low to high ...
[14 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
by cash
linker error
I have a linking error in my program that I'm having difficulty fixing. I'll post my program below (in parts because I can't fit it in one post) header Dolla...
[2 replies] Last: Hello cash, The linker error comes from: template<class T> void sor... (by Handy Andy)
by Ferik
Greetings and Quick question about arrays as arguments in functions
Hi everybody, My first post and I am so glad to be here. This is a part of code that will calculate some simple calculation. The thing is that the result giv...
[9 replies] Last: Instead of using globals (save for your "row" and "column" const value... (by Ganado)
Well, one of my assignments is to reverse a stack via recursion and meet some requirements. OK, sounds fair enough. I should be reversing a stack, but it's not ...
[2 replies] Last: jonnin, thank you for replying. [quote=jonnin] try moving the push tm... (by fiji885)
error: double free or corruption (out)
Hello i have this code: #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> int main(){ std::vector<int> vec{0, 1, 2}; std::vector<...
[7 replies] Last: One could make sure that the vector does not need realloc during the i... (by keskiverto)
how to make if statement in this condition
Example: Enter a letter grade: a Grade range is 90 – 100 Enter a letter grade: B Grade range is 80 – 89 << this is my instruction here is my code #...
[2 replies] Last: This clause 5 sqrt(3) is a problem. There's no multiplication ope... (by Niccolo)
Code snippet only works correctly when headed by Ofstream opening a file.
This is the strangest thing I've encountered because I can't really find any noticeable patterns or any reason why it might be doing this. Tried searching but a...
[4 replies] Last: I have not figured out the problem with fstream, however, I did find a... (by helpmeimnotthesmartest)
by vng225
Problem description: Function 'gets' could not be resolved
Hello everybody I need help with error: gets (str); Problem description: Function 'gets' could not be resolved. I used eclipse Thank you so much. ...
[10 replies] Last: What do you think is the benefit of using gets_s() over fgets()? Remem... (by jlb)
Code wont print
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void showMenu(); void hello(); void add(); void...
[5 replies] Last: Try creating a completely new project and re-paste the code in. (by Ganado)
Sorting strings from a text file.
EDIT: I am new to this forum, and forums in general, so if I broke any rules or there are things I can improve please do not hesitate to let me know! I am cur...
[1 reply] : Welcome! Your post is nicely formatted and the explanation is clear, s... (by Ganado)
how can i create a txt files without Windows Defender problems?
i'm using Windows 10... my program create a txt file, but if the Windows Defender is activated, the file is deleted... everytime that i create a new program i...
[14 replies] Last: ok.. i have Malwarebytes working... that will resolve my problem... bu... (by Cambalinho)
File handling case
File Head Program Write a program that asks the user for the name of a file. The program should display the first 10 lines of the file on the screen (the “h...
[5 replies] Last: Hey Andy and Ne555 . Thank you so much for guidance. I just edite... (by shoaib yehya)
September 2019 Pages: 123456... 13
  Archived months: [aug2019] [oct2019]

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