Using a file, structures, passing parameters |
[3 replies] Last: WAY to many errors. Your bool function "openInFile" doesn't end - you'... (by zapshe)
by CodeNovice01
New Roman Numeral Converter
[18 replies] Last: What is the statement on line 3 and 4? Is that an array of sorts? I... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Wu zhen hai
thread writing value.
[2 replies] Last: > counter possible value will be 7,8,9,10. 1. Your counter counts down... (by salem c)
by shoaib yehya
Punch Line case
[5 replies] Last: Thankyou so much Zapshe and Duthomhas Dear Zapshe, Actually Joke ... (by shoaib yehya)
by pm9ljr
cant get sample program to compile
[7 replies] Last: The error message of interest would have contained something like "unr... (by Ganado)
Templates and wchar_t |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, that did the trick. Will look into integrating clang into my s... (by michaelwilliams6511)
by cash
finding median of an array
[6 replies] Last: Last post is a duplicate of (by MikeyBoy)
by kon
std::inner_product in class template
[2 replies] Last: Yes, that works! Thank you very much! (by kon)
Random number generator |
[14 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
by cash
linker error
[2 replies] Last: Hello cash, The linker error comes from: template<class T> void sor... (by Handy Andy)
by Ferik
Greetings and Quick question about arrays as arguments in functions
[9 replies] Last: Instead of using globals (save for your "row" and "column" const value... (by Ganado)
by fiji885
[2 replies] Last: jonnin, thank you for replying. [quote=jonnin] try moving the push tm... (by fiji885)
by Stauricus
error: double free or corruption (out)
[7 replies] Last: One could make sure that the vector does not need realloc during the i... (by keskiverto)
how to make if statement in this condition |
[2 replies] Last: This clause 5 sqrt(3) is a problem. There's no multiplication ope... (by Niccolo)
Code snippet only works correctly when headed by Ofstream opening a file. |
[4 replies] Last: I have not figured out the problem with fstream, however, I did find a... (by helpmeimnotthesmartest)
by vng225
Problem description: Function 'gets' could not be resolved
[10 replies] Last: What do you think is the benefit of using gets_s() over fgets()? Remem... (by jlb)
by Eshockwave
Code wont print
[5 replies] Last: Try creating a completely new project and re-paste the code in. (by Ganado)
by amateurDev
Sorting strings from a text file.
[1 reply] : Welcome! Your post is nicely formatted and the explanation is clear, s... (by Ganado)
by Cambalinho
how can i create a txt files without Windows Defender problems?
[14 replies] Last: ok.. i have Malwarebytes working... that will resolve my problem... bu... (by Cambalinho)
by shoaib yehya
File handling case
[5 replies] Last: Hey Andy and Ne555 . Thank you so much for guidance. I just edite... (by shoaib yehya)