Beginners - September 2018 (Page 17)

Server/Client Communication
[6 replies] Last: Alright, I can send now Arrays via: char* c = reinterpret_cast<char*... (by gagamehl)
stream manipulators
Write your question here. i need to print to columns of temps,farenheit/celsius....ive got my decimal places lined up and everything centered(im very proud of ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { std::cout <<... (by JLBorges)
Hi, everyone. I am trying to calculate slope and intercept (y=mx+b) of 37 data files in .txt files I have. Can anyone tell me if I'm going about this right? ...
[3 replies] Last: @gainzbro To assign values to my variables in line 22, would I set i... (by whitenite1)
by Ch1156
Class not default initializing variables
I cant use my default initialized variables unless I create a function to specifically show them(CreateDinosaur()), why is that? It doesn't work in any class I ...
[10 replies] Last: However, see how the initialisation order changes in this alternative... (by keskiverto)
can some tell me how to process decimals in code. my code doesnt do decimals for current and purchase price, as soon as i try to run it , it crashes #inc...
[5 replies] Last: I agree with Jaybob. When I changed int PurPrice & int CurrPrice to d... (by Manga)
take two stones problem unwanted 0 in print
Hello again, I'm working on the kattis twostones problem for the cs1 class I started recently. It runs correctly and solves the problem, but when it prints it ...
[2 replies] Last: totally makes sense! I added it when i was trying to fix a illegal if ... (by TheJast)
Replace numbers with x unless it is part of a word with letters
Hi everyone, I am new to all computer programming and am taking a course in C++. I thought I was doing well at the beginning, but since the class is advancin...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namesp... (by lastchance)
c2181 error in take two stones problem
Hi, I'm in my second week of programming. I'm working on the kattis "take two stones problem as practice for class. I keep getting "illegal else without match...
[2 replies] Last: thanks so much! (by TheJast)
switch statement and functions
i am trying to do functions with swtichstatement iam having a hard time. please help #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using ...
[2 replies] Last: "hard time" is an inaccurate description of the problem. The compiler ... (by keskiverto)
by wolfv
Two objects of same class reference each other.
In the following example, obj1 and obj2 reference each other. obj1 and obj2 are of the same class. The compiler is giving me linker errors. circular_dependency...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks helios, that worked: $ g++ circular_dependency_other_obj.cpp ... (by wolfv)
Exception thrown
I'm learning C++ (it's also my first computer language), and don't know what the following means: Exception thrown at 0x0FFD46EE (vcruntime140d.dll) in Proje...
[3 replies] Last: Ahh. Thanks Repeater. I condensed the code down to the essentials befo... (by eripiomundus)
not compiling SOLVED
ISSUE SOLVED. IGNORE! (I switched to an IDE called zinjal, works great!!)
[5 replies] Last: Rascake, PLEASE DO NOT DELETE YOUR QUESTION AFTER IT IS SOLVED. You ... (by Ganado)
Need help finding the sum of user input values
Write your question here. The program I am needing to write is one that prompts the user for 4 random integers, assuming that the user will not throw in decima...
[4 replies] Last: Just a little tinkering was all she needed. Thanks so much to everyone... (by daltonphelps0)
Lý giải tên gọi Vincity Ocean Park
Vincity Ocean Park là một trong số dự án mang thương hiệu nhà Tại đại chúng do tập đoàn nhà đầu tư bất động sản lớn nhất ...
[2 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class a... (by Manga)
Seeking for limitless information
Hello guys, I have read a c++ book entirely and I am reading the second one. My problem is about programming is that I want to learn everything from really low ...
[4 replies] Last: You sound just like me! I've always been fascinated by the low level ... (by dhayden)
right triangle using asterisk where the height starts on the right corner
Hello Guys! Can't seem to figure this one out. can some explain to me how to create the program for this problem? 1. Write a program using WHILE statement th...
[3 replies] Last: Before you start writing any code, think about it logically. Try and ... (by MikeyBoy)
Incrementals WITH other math functions?
If the value of a is 5, what are the values of b and c? c = 10*(++a); b = 10*(a++); That’s the question I need help with. Specifically, eve...
[6 replies] Last: The trick in (web)search is to use correct keywords. Obviously, if you... (by keskiverto)
Detect mouse held
So my AutoClicker code below detects if the mouse button is pressed and simulates clicking so in a game you can hold down the mouse button and it'll click for y...
[2 replies] Last: Would it be possible with the mouse button though (by TheDoctor185)
Issue with terminal application program
I am -really- new to c++ and I don't have a single language I would say I "know", I know html and css for web dev but I wouldn't conceder myself a master at css...
[4 replies] Last: That ws tripped me, never saw it used before. A reminder that using na... (by poteto)
Given an array of n 1s, and an integer k, how do I find the minimum number of turns it takes for me to turn the 1s to 0s, if at each turn I can select the ith i...
[2 replies] Last: stop borrowing trouble Ganado! The answer is clearly 1 turn, I like e... (by jonnin)
September 2018 Pages: 1... 151617181920
  Archived months: [aug2018] [oct2018]

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