Beginners - September 2018 (Page 14)

recursion help
i want to print n length array where i want to swap index starting from 1 to n element with every other index element. for eg A={1,2} if i=1 then i can replac...
[2 replies] Last: @Jaybob66 edited (by faltu112)
Thuê xe máy phượt hãy lưu ý
- Giấy tờ xe đầy đủ Một số điểm cho thuê xe sẽ yêu cầu bạn cung cấp chứng minh thư (CMND) và bằng lái xe nếu bạn muốn t...
[1 reply] : we need to see the calling code that actually caused the exception. a... (by Jaybob66)
Number of two multiples between two integers
Hello. I'm trying to get a program to display the number of multiples of 3 and 5 between two integer inputs. Like if you enter 100 and 1, it would give 33 and 2...
[3 replies] Last: Hi, This sounds a lot like Euler Question 1. If so, a clue is that ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by vysero
Is this an overide of a function?
I am messing around with this keyboard GUI and I am new to c++. I have never seen this before where two functions are being declared with the same name. What ex...
[12 replies] Last: Sorry yeah I posted the wrong link but I changed it thanks helios. (by vysero)
I need help with this
Im trying to compute the base pay, overtime pay ad gross pay #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int hours...
[3 replies] Last: Once you get the code to compile and run, check your algorithm. You're... (by dhayden)
Rectangle Class with postfix
I am having a tough time trying to take my rectangle class program and implement a postfix. Is that even possible? #include "pch.h" #include <iostream> ...
[10 replies] Last: That is for sure. I always say at work that Google is my best friend. ... (by tmcrouse)
by rek49
anyone can help me with this?
Write a program that asks the user to enter three real numbers. if all three numbers are positives, print the sum else if one number is negative print the produ...
[1 reply] : To start with you need 3 numbers so how about x, y and z ? You should ... (by SamuelAdams)
by Tduck
How to ignore certain characters from input?
My current assignment tasks me with creating a program to convert a string into a phone number. My problem arises when I try to remove certain characters from ...
[3 replies] Last: Then copy the body of the function into main and remove the return sta... (by Ganado)
strcat() appending chunk data
For some reason when i use strcat() it append additional "/" to buffer where i'm trying to store other two chars. Code under gives me result "/raw/TbhaeQGm" ins...
[2 replies] Last: In addition to using a buffer that is too small, line 5 leaves the mem... (by mbozzi)
Need help with adding up percentage of two variables
I cant seem to get the two variables to add up to 100% even if the 2 variables are 2 different numbers they seem to come out to the same percentage when 1 shoul...
[7 replies] Last: Oh okay thanks i got it now appreciate the help guys (by K001Aid)
HELPP! I need to read the comments from the c++ file and then use strings to print it in the html file
A standard way to show the documentation of a program in C++ is by having an application that supports the generation of an html file. The idea is to load this...
[12 replies] Last: @Ganado, you could use the string functions but they seem less conveni... (by Thomas1965)
What mechanisms for data-persistence (saving program state) is available in C++?
I would like my programs to store and resume execution state (which may consist of reference/value-type variable values and data structure values). I believe ...
[3 replies] Last: I would like my programs to store and resume execution state Our pr... (by Jaybob66)
pointers and functon
the function doesn't return and also shows error reverse_Array = reverse_array(int* ,int). what else can i do for improvements. The question was to create rever...
[3 replies] Last: I wrote, and prefer, int * to int . Both work, don't let this confu... (by jonnin)
by RahRah
Writing Functions for a school report
Some parts of my code are not showing the result 1)engMark and matMark what is wrong. and the lowest and highest mark in int main were m i going wrong /...
[7 replies] Last: //program to compile a student academic report #include<iostream> u... (by Manga)
Problem with DLL
Hi everyone, i have recently created dll file with plan to use InternetOpen in order to make simple web request but when i load it or start it with rundll32, no...
[7 replies] Last: What did you do? Other people might have the same problem so it would... (by Thomas1965)
Why is my code not working??? I tried everything.... Please help
Why is my code not working??? I tried everything.... //This program calculates the inflation rate given two Consumer Price Index values and prints it to t...
[14 replies] Last: Do you know the operators < <= || && ? (by keskiverto)
Code either won't compile, or doesn't work
Hi. I'm trying to do some exercises from a book, and can do most of them okay. However, with this one I've tried a couple of different things but it doesn't wor...
[3 replies] Last: The problem is implicit conversion. For example '*' can be implicitly ... (by coder777)
by JM567
Read input file from certain line
Hello! I am studying for an exam in my programming I class, and I'm having some trouble with one of the example problems. The problem is to write a C++ function...
[2 replies] Last: To make things easier, you might write a function to drop the first n... (by JM567)
Inheritance help
This isnt all the code but I'm getting errors when I try to call the setX and setY values into getPerimeter and getArea, any quick help? #include <string...
[1 reply] : Hi, The variables setX and SetY are local to the functions, aren'... (by TheIdeasMan)
loosing the first element of an array
I call this function to assign a MyString object to another but I end up losing the first value somehow. If you need some other part of the code here is a GitH...
[1 reply] : SOLVED: line 8, temp[j - i] should be just temp (by ToeMater)
September 2018 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 20
  Archived months: [aug2018] [oct2018]

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