Beginners - September 2018 (Page 13)

by ccibin
dll library
Hi guys! I am trying to use a dynamic library but I can't load it...I hope someone will help me! I'm using visual studio and followed the instructions on ...
[2 replies] Last: Use GetLastError() if LoadLibrary returns NULL to find out why it coul... (by Thomas1965)
C program
Upon entering t as 1 why doesn't the program register the first input? Instead, the second input produces the result and the first is just ignored #include...
[1 reply] : ok I had to remove \n from scanf (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
Most frequent character
How do make my program find the character from a text file with the most common occurrences and display that character along with the number of occurrences? My ...
[3 replies] Last: it is a lot easier to just do int alphabet = { 0 }; then for any inp... (by jonnin)
String Ifstatements
Trying to write a simple code to declare opinions for each teacher (guess which one set the task.) Problem is that I didn't think I'd have to declare string var...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I can see what I've done wrong. Appreciate it Peter87! (by LouisKnight)
Can Anyone Provide A Efiifcient method to solve this question
Create two sub array of maximum equal height from an array. Problem Statement: There are N bricks (a1, a2, ...., aN). Each brick has length L1, L2, ...., LN...
[2 replies] Last: efficient with respect to time. In minimum time complexity. i just saw... (by qwerty1qwerty)
A little advanced question involving fstream.
Hey guys. I have been taught how to read a text file with a set of data from the first line until the last line, each set of data represents different informati...
[4 replies] Last: @ structJason No worries, glad to see you've found what you were looki... (by H00G0)
Outputs wrong seed number
Hello! So I have to make a program in c++ that returns the average of all the numbers in a 2d array, and it gets one case right. When the dimensions are 1 and 1...
[3 replies] Last: You have written i where you mean j on both of lines 22 and 36. (Two t... (by lastchance)
C++ Console App Font Change
Hi, How can I make the Font Larger in a console application? I am using Code::Blocks C++. Thank You!
[2 replies] Last: // I found something that works with Code::Blocks 17.12 , C++, Console... (by NickCoss40)
array in c++
when run the following code. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int sample {}; //this reserved 10 integer elment int t; // Load the...
[2 replies] Last: int sample {}; //this reserved 10 integer elment Your comment lies t... (by Ganado)
c++ encoding problem
i have an assignment i need help with. so the goal of this is to encode a file using ascii character codes by mapping the characters in the file to different as...
[2 replies] Last: /*okay so this is my code, so far its working except one minor issue, ... (by COOGSHOUSE713)
the last line for cin>>Student.Name; is giving me issue can someone help please #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; //struct w...
[1 reply] : whazzup with line 35? this may be propagating weird compiler errors. ... (by jonnin)
by thx
Very beginner question
Please help me: 1. fix this (xD) 2. explain how it works #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; void coffeeType(); int main(coffee){ ...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much, you may think this is a pointless question, but i... (by thx)
by jrc
I have created a program that runs a report of the company's daily sales. The problem I am having is that the text prints to close to the top and bottom of the...
[7 replies] Last: If you use Windows have a look here: (by Thomas1965)
Debugger enters Disassembly
I use CLion. What does it mean when the debugger enters "disassembly"? Is there an error or is that standard procedure?
[1 reply] : you step out or step over items that do not have debug enabled source ... (by jonnin)
Sum of big numbers
Hello. I really need help with a program. I need to output a sum of all n digit numbers. So like if I make n=100, I need to output a sum of all 100 digit number...
[5 replies] Last: I didn't use a class of big integers. You don't need to manipulate the... (by lastchance)
by vysero
Char is not large enough (1,2)
is there a way to either increase the size of char or declare a different data type s/t I can display this character in a widget? Right now the character is bei...
[35 replies] Last: Yep! I saw that not 20 seconds before Genado told me to come here and ... (by vysero)
by vysero
Am I interpreting this code correctly?
Here is the line I am trying to read: return QString(static_cast<QChar>(QLatin1Char(value))); I believe the line is casting 'value' into QLatinCha...
[4 replies] Last: Don't post multiple threads about the same topic/problem. It makes it ... (by helios)
Write your question here. For this small assignment, I have to return the second smallest number depending on the users input. The only thing I am supposed to ...
[5 replies] Last: @keskiverto thanks for the really looks much better now :... (by thephantom97)
How do i compute this?
how do i say i want to compute to find the base pay, overtime pay, and gross pay //Prince Akhtar CSE 110 - Lab # 1 //This program computes payroll using ...
[3 replies] Last: typically this is going to be gross = base pay + (hoursworked-8)*ove... (by jonnin)
Not a duplicate
I have a post in Unix Programming forum. Please take a look and please help me with the problem. The thread is
[2 replies] Last: @helios and everyone. I am sorry for doing this. I will not repeat thi... (by longberns)
September 2018 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 20
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