saving to txt file |
[1 reply] : You want to write to two files instead of one? Make it a function tha... (by Ganado)
by javierduran
Beginner needs help ASAP
[5 replies] Last: My pleasure ;) (by H00G0)
by An Integer
How to not send Enter Key with getline()
[2 replies] Last: Really? I guess that I'm looking in the wrong place then. Thanks! (by An Integer)
by madams8377
Array numbers difference from the average math proble
[1 reply] : It's not the "maths" that's wrong, it's the fact that you enter values... (by lastchance)
by Chrome68
If else returning wrong
[3 replies] Last: If Turbo-C++ doesn't support strings, you can use the function strcmp ... (by Repeater)
by ashley815
Does it matter which compiler I use?
[2 replies] Last: Oh good grief, that fixed it. I feel like an idiot. Thank you for your... (by ashley815)
by jakuronashi
Split string by multiple pair of brackets.
[no replies]
by bagrarajeev
Issue with assignment to a variable
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by bagrarajeev)
by icaman
School project (I'm doomed)
[6 replies] Last: first, i'm sorry because i'm totally noob. but, maybe, you could: stru... (by voltumel)
by witchee666
Comparing strings regardless of case
[4 replies] Last: > there isn't ignoreCase in c++ right? Usually, the regular expressio... (by JLBorges)
by Patch97236
Initialization syntax for objects
[7 replies] Last: > item b = item(y) makes me think that first the copy constructor is c... (by JLBorges)
by fivestar
Printing board
[3 replies] Last: My compiler was printing out in a weird way. it works. (by fivestar)
by ToeMater
"is protected within this context"
[1 reply] : You're not allowed to make a copy of cout (or any ostream), so you c... (by Repeater)
by NCCspartan85
Need help please
[4 replies] Last: Fixed it guy's. Thank you for your help. (by NCCspartan85)
by sumuser
change fstream file location ?
[1 reply] : ofstream html("C:/users/documents/newfolder/" + html_name); ... (by Peter87)
by surfersss
prime generator
[16 replies] Last: yes, if you find the same prime more than once, that is no good. Fix ... (by jonnin)
by abk4523
Using return key in while loop
[5 replies] Last: So you want typing the character '|' and typing nothing (and pressin... (by Ganado)
by tuhmaytow
Input validation of lowercase letters using only while loop.
[no replies]
by leffe1337
Create an object inside a memberfunction
[2 replies] Last: lord have mercy..I feel stupid, ofcourse.. Thanks alot @poteto I wou... (by leffe1337)
by AL88
Can anyone help explain these 2 errors?
[1 reply] : The error in that code is here: operator=(const PartsCatalog &); whe... (by Repeater)