Beginners - September 2015 (Page 5)

Make a point, add two points, become a line
My code does not compile. There is something wrong with the overloading << under the class Line. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Lin...
[9 replies] Last: That makes sense. Is d in the way you display it a Line object? (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Winsu
vector does not name a type
I don't why, but it doesn't recognize neither vector nor string....I think I must have some wrong configuration in my settings project, but I don't what it can ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, as my file was a simple .cpp I could use using directive but w... (by Winsu)
building a phone keypad to transform digits into character
For example, if you type 2,it will output a, 22for b,etc. 1 is for pause ,and 0 is a space. And the program should read a sequence of non-empty keystrokes for...
[13 replies] Last: Anyway I fixed it by adding if statement before the cout and it will n... (by jekaterina)
cannot understand exc_bad_access(code=1,address=0x0)
I'm trying to use the conjugate method in the book Numerical Recipes, 3rd Ed and I'm new to Cpp. When testing this method, I encounter a warning of "Thread 1:ex...
[no replies]
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
Why is it that every time I try to run my code, I get the following problem? g++ -Wall -fexceptions -g -Iinclude -c /Users/Soul/Documents/School/Program1/mai...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, you're a lifesaver (by ProgrammerSoul)
storing a map into 2d char array
I am trying to store a map, which is read from the file "map.txt" into 2d char array. The problem is though that i am for some reason keep too many spaces, or...
[no replies]
by Dazzer
Quick question about the value of an array.
Here's a quickie: The code below (from assigns an array dynamically via a pointer. Then the line below set's the value of the array to 3. But wh...
[2 replies] Last: ah, stoopid me, sorry, thanks! (by Dazzer)
Refer to another class
Hello I'm encountering the following problem in my code: 1. I have two classes (A & B )/>/>, each having one function ( X() & Y() ). 2. Now, I need to ente...
[3 replies] Last: The solution is within a question: Who needs what? Now, your incompl... (by keskiverto)
Help with references and pointers
Hi, very new to C++ so sorry for what is probably a very fundamental question however no amount of reading and searching seems to be able to give me an understa...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks folks! it might seem weird but those few bits of info made it a... (by narrator)
Small problem with adding a decimal to an answer
Hello all, The program works fine, except my instructor wants a decimal point at the end of the Celcius conversion. For example: Enter the temperature in d...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int mai... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Gector
Help outlining a program
Hello! I'm new to C++, only been using it for about a month and that's at a minimal rate. For awhile now I've been stacking up projects that I want to do with ...
[2 replies] Last: If you want to make a GUI application, get some GUI library. Do not t... (by MiiNiPaa)
Debugging of code
I know their is something wrong with my formula, but I don't know exactly what? Could you please help me out... #include <iostream> using namespace std;...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> // using namespace std; // *** avoid use std::cin... (by JLBorges)
by Jestr
Input Validation
I seem to be having a validation error I believe with my code. The application is supposed to create a Date instance based on whether the inputs are valid. Here...
[1 reply] : as in Date(mth,day,yr); ? (by Jestr)
How to do this Project Euler problem?
Im trying to figure out this problem here: How would you set this up? I tried a triple nested for-loop but I dont know if I...
[10 replies] Last: MiinNipaa: Thanks you for bringing that to my attention! Also, I've s... (by Arslan7041)
Tic Tac Toe code
[12 replies] Last: The reason it says X is the winner, when there is two or more winning ... (by whitenite1)
Small issue when i run my program. Advice appreciated
So i have my code and it runs. But when i run it and i enter all the values like im supposed to, it tells me my sum and my Temp1Series at least 50 times . How d...
[10 replies] Last: cool. thank you sir/mam ! :) (by Phil092)
need some help with simple function implimenting code.
i am getting an: unresolved external symbol "double_Cdecl getRaddius(void)" (?getRadius@@YANXZ) referenced in function_main unresolved external symbol "d...
[3 replies] Last: thank you so much! this helped alot (by Jfyeatman)
void* pointer to class
for example class A { void function() {} } int main() { void* pA = &A; pA->function(); return 0; } this doesn't w...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <boost/any.hpp> // <std/experimental/any... (by JLBorges)
Gasoline Station Output
HELLO FRIENDS ? can u help me to my project ? i need to run this and to get the output of this, using a class ... do you have any idea ? coz i dont know ho...
[4 replies] Last: main must return int - anything else is illegal C++.... (by LB)
by Andym
error exe has stopped working
Can someone tell me why tis is producing an "exe has stopped working error? #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> #incl...
[7 replies] Last: On the same line ? After endl ? Even after turn may line into a commen... (by LendraDwi)
September 2015 Pages: 1... 34567... 42
  Archived months: [aug2015] [oct2015]

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