Beginners - September 2014 (Page 8)

What am I doing wrong? While loop and if statements
This is for an assignment. I've been at it for hours and hours yet can't seem to get it right. First ask for the userid. If the user id matches the special “...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! I was looking at it the wrong way. You've helped alot. (by patropatropatro)
keep track of pointers in double link list?
I am trying program a doubled linked list using a struct which consist of the node struct node{ int value; node* right; node* left; }; and a c...
[1 reply] : I would maybe use a recursive insert instead. Something like this (I h... (by fafner)
by pjalli
A little help with functions
Can someone help me with making this look nice before I turn my project in? #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstdlib> #include<algorithm> ...
[1 reply] : I tried it this way, but i get one error in it that I don't understand... (by pjalli)
Reading Files
Is there any way to get a specific line from a text file using f stream? Say I have a list of names in a file and I want the 5th name how would I go about d...
[3 replies] Last: thanks I figured it out (by Tristan101)
Function for cout :(
Using a function to output values, double output(int& r1s, int& r2s, int& r3s, int& r4s, double gainmain, int r1, int r2, int r3, int r4, double* r) { cou...
[3 replies] Last: Depending on what type r has you should either remove the * or place i... (by Peter87)
Loop question
I am running into a issue with the loops. I need the program to give the user two chances to enter the correct variables. If they fail the second time it closes...
[10 replies] Last: the latest code i posted worked I was just giving it so people could s... (by smokebaca)
Maze Solver
I have a big problem here. I've worked through this thing and I just don't know where to go with this. They don't give me any information on the header file maz...
[3 replies] Last: I've gotten pretty far with this. Here is what I have so far: #inclu... (by RobGillespie)
Issue with loops in my code
Ok, I am having a minor issue with my code below. In short, after I enter a polynomial, if I evaluate the polynomial with a certain value x (choice 3), then ch...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, well I tried your suggestion, but I'm still running into the same ... (by Ascendant78)
Array Size Concatenation
How do I concatenate the size (amount of elements) of an array in a cout statement with c++? // print list of all messages to the console void viewInbo...
[2 replies] Last: If the OP really wants an array, C++11 provides a wrapper for the buil... (by OxBADC0DE)
Can someone give me a hint on how to add the values inside a 2-dimensional arrays?
I have an assignment that requires me to add the values inside a two dimensional array. If someone can give me a hint on how to do so I would really appreciate ...
[8 replies] Last: Yes I know now haha, it's just that I was busy trying to experiment wi... (by SomeAmazingGuy)
How can I accumulate the values in only ONE dimension of a 2-dimensional array?
How can I accumulate the values in one dimension of a 2-d array, without accumulating the values from both dimensions? I know that in order to access a 2-d arra...
[3 replies] Last: It was a hint I didn't give you the answers...try out the different co... (by novellof)
Header files in projects
So every time I want to use certain header files in a project, I have to add them to that particular project? I thought the way it worked was there's a direc...
[2 replies] Last: It depends on where the headers come from. For standard C and C++ hea... (by TwilightSpectre)
by Immi
Standard Deviation and RMS
Hello Everyone, Is my equations for standard deviation and rms incorrect in this code? Im not getting the correct output and i dont understand why. #include <i...
[1 reply] : What are the correct equations for standard deviation and RMS? http:... (by giblit)
clarification for understanding one line of code
So I picked up this example from this website itself and it helped me be able to copy a string into a char array like I wanted to. However, I do not understand ...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you guys, that really helped. (by bryan177mcsc)
I am doing a problem that prompts a user to enter 3 numbers and arrange them in all 6 possible combinations IE: 1-2-3|2-3-1 3-2-1|3-1-2 2-1-3|1-3-2 I k...
[2 replies] Last: Will apply and check Thank you! (by tkdkid617)
Having some problems with a program that calculates airport parking values
See title. The list of values is: First 30 minutes FREE 31 to 60 minutes $2.00 Each additional 30 minutes $1.00 Up to seven hours $14.00 Thereafter, each hour $...
[5 replies] Last: Awesome! Glad to hear it. :) (by BigPun)
do-while loop help
Hey everyone. I'm trying to make a program where people can input from 2-5 numbers then choose the option to find the maximum number, get the numbers added toge...
[2 replies] Last: I think it works now thank you! I don't have a compiler to actually se... (by RocketGrunt)
Shuffle function not working
Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my shuffle function? It shuffles some songs, yet completely gets rid of others. Here's the code: void ...
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Theme creator - Moonrise
hi all for those that use Eclipse Kepler, there is one great theme, named Moonrise its a dark aspect theme, great for working at night but it has a pit...
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Return statements working with Strings and int's
So I am trying to write a function when called with break up a 3 digit number into a "ones" places, "tens" places and "hundreds" place. What my issues is or at ...
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September 2014 Pages: 1... 678910... 51
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