Beginners - September 2014 (Page 7)

Issue reading info from file.
Hey all. Writing a little program to help me with EVE online. SPREADSHEETS, WOO. Anyway, having a problem reading several rows of data in from a file. My prog w...
[16 replies] Last: Ya, that explains why my last attempt last night didn't work. Heh. My ... (by Raezzor)
Homework assignment I'm stuck on
I can't seem to get the void calcAverage part to work. can anyone help me. this is what my instructor wants in C++. Drop the Lowest Grade- write a program t...
[2 replies] Last: Now when you call the calcAverage function, you have it looking to rec... (by sherre02)
need help i dont even know where to start
[2 replies] Last: Please don't remove posts wolf11213 even if you don't think it will ... (by giblit)
While loop if statements problem
How do I solve this? I can't get out of the loop. Every time I change my code around, something else screws up.. #include <iostream> #include <string> ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int mai... (by sherre02)
Need a little help
I am taking a fundamental C++ course for the first time and seem to be having trouble. The teacher is specific of course. I have to write a code that converts a...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; int ma... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
What is the purpose of these arguements in main: "argc" and "argv"?
I have seen certain codes with these arguments inside the parameters of the main function. int main(int argc, char *argv) From what I understand, argc is ...
[7 replies] Last: The arguments are a way to get user input without having to prompt the... (by admkrk)
Big O of recursive functions.
Hey guys I have several functions that I'm not sure if I got the big O for them correct. Ok for the first function I think its O(logn)^2. template <class T...
[2 replies] Last: They're actually all linearithmic. Besides the time to perform the use... (by helios)
Counting sort on Int array of 1 million+
Hello, I am trying to read a file of more than 1 million ints and use counting sort to sort it (I'm aware this is going to be extremely slow). I don't know how ...
[1 reply] : You can't create an array on the stack whose size is a variable or dep... (by helios)
by Jhub
loops and more loops plus a little probability
I have trying to write this code for days now with little success. I am trying to create a code that will simulate a roll of the dice. The hold number is the ...
[5 replies] Last: I finally understand what I need to do let's suppose hold at number i... (by Jhub)
by wooly
Swap 2 numbers without temp variable! Please help!
I am working on an assignment and I need help with swapping 2 numbers without the use of a temporary variable and for it to have cout and cin. I need the numbe...
[5 replies] Last: Try the following example, it should work. #include <iostream> #inc... (by Victor89)
Using a char arrays that change inside class members (1,2)
EDITED and UPDATED On Sept 27 at 2PM I am currently trying to make a tic tac toe game that uses char arrays as a way for a user to change a number inside a 3...
[22 replies] Last: Mostly syntax errors like: error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' be... (by tamirat)
by Ch1156
Why is this not working?
Ok so I am making something in SFGUI but there is one thing that isnt working, this line: source(1, Down); inside of LoadCharacters. When I remove it, the...
[10 replies] Last: Ok I got it working, I added CropSprite in the beginning of UserInput(... (by Ch1156)
classes and arrays combined
I'm a bit confused with arrays with classes in them how would I let's say we have a list of boxes how would I find the place of box 5 in the array? struc...
[2 replies] Last: search all of them for it until you find it. Now I kinda know how than... (by Tristan101)
Divide by zero workaround not working(basic C++ calc)
Hi, I just started learning C++ the day before yesterday. I am attemptinng to create a basic calculator based solely on my basic knowledge of ints, variables, ...
[9 replies] Last: Use a switch statement for your menu of selecting the operation (by novellof)
Recursive function is playing tricks on me..
I am trying a write a function which displays the element in an AVL_tree. struct node{ int value; int balance; node* right; node* left; }; ...
[no replies]
Need Help With Assignment
Hi, this is my first time taking C++, I registered for the course late and I missed a lot, trying to get caught up but I'm having difficulties, I spent hours si...
[3 replies] Last: Ganado, Thanks for your help, I got it fully functional now. I went ... (by thatfunnydude)
Random Number Generator
Hi, I've scowered the forums for finding how too implement the random generator function inside of a class. I understand how it works inside the main function a...
[1 reply] : Call srand once at the beginning of main, and use rand wherever yo... (by Peter87)
by rofler
Binary to Decimal Converter
Hello everyone. I've been working on a binary to decimal converter, and it works for most numbers, but seems to fail at smaller numbers. For example, 10000 does...
[4 replies] Last: There is a built-in function that could be used for this, I show an e... (by giblit)
Due Tomorrow, please help quick. Converting Fahr to Cent, using only calls in main function.
So I've been working on this problem ALL WEEK LONG, and I cannot for the life of my figure out what to do. The problem asks me to: "Write a program that asks...
[6 replies] Last: You could do something like printf("...%3.3f...) the number before p... (by giblit)
Problems with struct?
How do i make a struct which points itself? and also contains a pointers 2 other stuct of the same struct. ??
[17 replies] Last: I've tried implementing it as an double linked list, where instead of ... (by DrJones)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 56789... 51
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