by Leon12020738
How do I initialize a string name for the description of an array?
[1 reply] : Use quotes for literal text. "Infantry" etc. (also global variables... (by Chervil)
evaluating an expression of signed and unsigned types |
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> int main() { unsigned int... (by JLBorges)
by Sh0Ti
Problem with deleting codes
[2 replies] Last: That solved my problem. Thank you, very much! (by Sh0Ti)
by Nielyboyken
rand() - From A to B
[4 replies] Last: @Lorence: That would cause a non-uniform distribution. 7 or 9 would be... (by TwilightSpectre)
by evanpowers
Super nooby question
[3 replies] Last: thanks, that's all I needed (by evanpowers)
by xenovia12
[5 replies] Last: okay thank you (by xenovia12)
Unsolvable error |
[6 replies] Last: how do you issue the command to compiler I prefer GNU make (or bette... (by keskiverto)
by hellworld136
What is this function called?
[3 replies] Last: Small correction to line 8: std::cout<<foo(dat,7); (by ShodanHo)
help with static members of a class |
[3 replies] Last: Well initializing a variable outside of a class doesn't necessarily me... (by giblit)
by Gyzmo
Removing a carrage return from a string of data
[1 reply] : What's a "command option"? The preferred answer depends heavily on whe... (by Computergeek01)
by passw0rd
new question about sort
[4 replies] Last: i know, it is the sign... damn it (by passw0rd)
issue with "this" pointer |
[5 replies] Last: Oh... I see now. Sorry, I think I programmed a setArea function instea... (by heyyouyesyouiloveyou)
by Nielyboyken
Display English words (CurlPP)
[12 replies] Last: I've been as precise as I can without figuring out how to do it myself... (by Lowest0ne)
by h4ever
Undefined reference
[14 replies] Last: > ¿why would it add an underscore? Don't ask me; ask the people who ... (by JLBorges)
by moufou
problem with "while" and cin.get
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the reply! yes exacly i was trying to compare what i enter ... (by moufou)