Beginners - September 2014 (Page 45)

Unintended loop
I want the program to return the user to the begining of the question and have them enter a new answer. Only problem is it repeatedly loops the lines: cout << ...
[4 replies] Last: The code you posted works for me if I enter an invalid number, but not... (by dhayden)
operator overloading
I really need to understand the concept of it .please help me with it .\ I just understand why we pass an object when we overload a operator .
[1 reply] : Let's say we have two strings: string hello = "Hello"; string world =... (by Stewbond)
by Korcha
Can't get this code working... My head hurts
So this is an assignment for my compSci class. Basically it's a program to calculate commission by determining sale amount and whether you are a salesperson or...
[5 replies] Last: while (salesperson != "salesperson" && salesperson = "Salesperson") ... (by Wulfinite)
Counting the occurrences of numbers in an array
Hello :) I have to write a program that gets up to 30 numbers from the user and from those numbers give me the largest one. I was able to get that part. Aside ...
[5 replies] Last: You should be learning this lesson using an associative container rath... (by Lowest0ne)
I can't understand much about loop..
Write a program that calculates the sum of sequence 1 to 5. (Using LOOP STATEMENT) please help.. I've been try it for hours using for-statement. All I coul...
[3 replies] Last: you were exactly as me when i was learning the loop until now lol. yo... (by xenovia12)
how to Swap Data In Between txt File
hi all For Example We Have 2 txt file with these Data: First File: Orange Milk Second File: Soda banana I Want To Know Is there Any Class To Swap He...
[1 reply] : I'm assuming that you have learned about input and output streams via ... (by AbsoluTe 88)
Searching a text file
I have a text file|| Sincha...
[no replies]
by zdzero
Mixing C and assembly
Is there a simple example of someone doing this with ml64 and Visual Studio 2010? I can't really remember how multi-module assembly was supposed to be done. I...
[1 reply] : Yes, These are tutorials of inline x64 Assembly plus C++: https://www.... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by cGuru
Infinite While loop
I have a small loop that gets the user input, as well as acts as input validation to make sure he or she doesn't enter a value that is not within the specified ...
[2 replies] Last: int main() { // Variable Declaration(s)/Initialization(s) int... (by cire)
Combined Operator Question
My professor wants us to use the combined operator for adding y * 5 to x. Wouldnt it just be x += (y*5); Also this one : Divide profit by shares minus 1000 ...
[5 replies] Last: It's possible in one line , (profit/=shares)-=1000; I believe the b... (by dhayden)
Template type argument issue
Hi everyone, Now i don't quite understand what's going on, maybe i'm just over thinking this a bit but I keep running into this error from a template I've crea...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the response y'all, It still seems to be confused but I'll ... (by Peppercorn142)
About some really newbie question
1.GV() is okay. but how about GV2()? If GV2 is unavailable.Is any possible make it like...Whay I am typing? int GV(){ return 256; } int GV2() return 512; ...
[8 replies] Last: Note that you can, and should, use tabs in C++ too. They might not be... (by dsewq1LYJ)
need help with coding
we're supposed to write a centimeter to inch/ inch to centimeter converter and my if statements are not working im still a newbie, can someone please tell me ...
[9 replies] Last: thank you this looks much better. may i ask why use std::cout when we ... (by alielsaadi)
Allocating array seg faults - Documented source provided
So I am trying out new, interesting things with the C++ language. In the advanced section of a book I were reading last night I came across a function that wou...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks for that again, I figured it out after re-reading this. Cre... (by megatron 0)
Inherited Shape Classes
I'll be upfront this is for an online class assignment and I cannot wait around for short replies from the instructor anymore. I feel that I've got a good amoun...
[4 replies] Last: Lines 14, 18: These lines don't do anything. They do calculate the ... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++ compiler (2 questions)
1. Is there any window based C++ compiler besides Codeblocks? 2. If I just want to run a C++ program in Visual C++, do I really have to create a project? In ot...
[11 replies] Last: Just was reading it. Thanks a lot. (by nileshjdarji)
Basic pointer question...
Hello, I have a very general programming question about pointers. I have an integer variable describing the position of an object, x. What I'd like to do is ...
[2 replies] Last: That makes sense, thanks! (by hyperfine)
by mimi88
Help with Pseudo code
I am new in programming and I need to write the pseudo code for the following question, please help me understand and write it: The intersection of two bags ...
[1 reply] : What have you written so far? (by LB)
String * type checking
Why does my code think that 3 is a string? //To receive the Student information void inputStudentInfo(string *names, int *movies, const int numStuds) {...
[7 replies] Last: That's a pretty vague statement. (by LB)
[Error] Id returned 1 exit status
Hi, I'm just beginning computer programming for a class in school. I adapted the program from to output a pr...
[6 replies] Last: Error 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application I've not seen this me... (by Chervil)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 4344454647... 51
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