Beginners - September 2014 (Page 44)

by davez
help for loop
Can anyone show me how to make this shape * *** ***** ...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int q=1; ... (by davez)
i dont know why i am not good in looping. how can i help it? i solved many problems in looping but it could not help me
[4 replies] Last: Sorry guys. This thread is a mess dont mid this (by xenovia12)
How toscope a variable in a function.
OK. here is my problem. I am having a hard time understanding how to scope. I am trying to fix the code listed below. I am getting an error at line 188 when it ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, It looks to me that t is of type Token , which has a public ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Question about VS and textbook code
I am a new programmer. I purchased the book "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++" 2nd Edition because i thought, "Who is better than the creator to t...
[3 replies] Last: Ok. I am still a little confused. I have edited the code and fixed mos... (by mattbrad83)
Quadratic equation solver using classes (?)
So I'm a 15 yo who is trying to learn how to code in C++ using a tutorial book (I will be attending to programming classes 1 year later and thought that some sk...
[7 replies] Last: You're welcome - glad that helped some. (by wildblue)
Need help?
sry really new to this Write a C++ program that inputs a character, integer, and float type and then outputs the values #include <iostream> using na...
[2 replies] Last: Yea just put a system("pause") or something and return 0; at the e... (by MasterGeek)
by Ardaos
How to access a nested classes data members if it is a pointer in the outer class
Hello, everyone. I am very much still a noob programer and was seeking some help with how to access a nested classes data members if the outer class holds a po...
[2 replies] Last: wow, thanks! It was so simple. You saved me a lot of headache trying t... (by Ardaos)
by Crogn
C++ sorting program
why does this work? shouldn't i<11 since there are 11 values in the array and its from 0-10? when I do i<11 it sometimes gives me an issue depending if I am doi...
[2 replies] Last: ooo so had I put i<11 it should compare to a non existing number? (by Crogn)
Converting meters to yards, feet, and inches
Can some one review my program an see if it is doing the math correctly. I think it is running right but I would like to get a second opinion if I could. The f...
[6 replies] Last: Integer division, not modulus. Modulus operates on integral numbers a... (by keskiverto)
by yaaz32
1d Arrays in structs
Hi i wanted to know how do i put a struct in a 1d array and out put it. It has to be like struct Person { string name ; string surname ; };...
[4 replies] Last: Can't i just hardcode all the names in at once and just call it with ... (by whitenite1)
problem in code
Hi, I was solving a question where I had to enter 3 years worth of monthly sales (in terms of number of books sold). I had to use a 2D array to store input for ...
[17 replies] Last: It would be good to use code tags. That makes the post more readable.... (by keskiverto)
hey everyone
Hi everyone im completely new to C++ and i just started taking a course in C++ and am not getting very good directions or help, does anybody have any useful i...
[1 reply] : There is a tutorial on this site, also one at, which I th... (by Aceix)
How to print the values of pointers
Hey guys I'm trying to figure out how can print the values in a linked list every time I add a new node. I have been trying to think of how I can accomplish thi...
[no replies]
by Salad7
Why to use a pointer..?
General base question, why to use pointers anyways My first post
[11 replies] Last: Hello. There is a simple rule. Use references(&) when you need but poi... (by rizaado)
C++ Arrays/fstream
Hi, I am creating a simple program for Report Card data entry. My question is that I need to create two set of vectors, since my data is different. student_n...
[4 replies] Last: Well, I did bit research and found what I was looking for. So here is ... (by chan 06)
While loop problem
Hello, I am new to computer science and I have a problem with my code. I posted part of my code below and hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Basical...
[1 reply] : x || y evaluates to true if at least one of {x, y} is true. If dec == ... (by helios)
Why doesn't this code print? (1,2)
Write your question here. Hey guys, when I choose option 7 in my program it doesn't print. Can anyone help? // Store.cpp : Defines the entry point for the ...
[26 replies] Last: Don't worry guys I fixed it :) (by neel3123)
If statement
Hmm, this problem keep wondering me. I wanted to use the if else statement to loop my IC a.k.a Identification Card number. If I declare my IC as integer, then w...
[1 reply] : An integer will always be in integer form. I think what you might be ... (by Chervil)
What is next? How to expand?
First off, hello everyone! I started programming roughly 6 months ago off and on as a hobby, and am really starting to enjoy it and want to take it more serious...
[1 reply] : Make a 2D game using SDL or SFML (I recommend SFML). It can be anythin... (by LB)
Open picture at the end of a program
I trying to manipulate som pictures, and are a bit annoyed by that I all the time has to manually open the PGM file, to whether or not it has done what I intend...
[no replies]
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