Beginners - September 2014 (Page 42)

A fragile program
Guys, are there any solutions to make my program not so fragile that easy crash? And by the way, why am I getting a weird number such as 0,1,1 and so on in my C...
[no replies]
input string with space
How to input string with space in vector container?
[5 replies] Last: I found the answer for string input in vector container. Actually I ne... (by nileshjdarji)
Vector entry
How do I enter below 2 sentences in a vector object? It is cold today. Winter is about to start. Please help. Thanks.
[2 replies] Last: I found the answer. Actually I need to declare a string variable say f... (by nileshjdarji)
Const_iterator implementation
Hi everybody, I need some help for the creation of a const_iterator. I've made a 'stack' class where I use a dynamic array for the data of the stack and I need ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok now I understand! Thank you very much :) (by Gabry9284)
print double precision
Suppose , I have double float a= 40.2 and a pointer to a file I want to print it in the file as 40.20 . I've tried this : logfile new std::ofstream; ...
[4 replies] Last: I see... thanks :) (by mutexe)
by Blank
Passing an array to a function
I have been trying pass the array to the function but i cant seem to get it right. every time i compile my code it is unsuccessful. can someone help me out plea...
[6 replies] Last: #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> const int SIZE = 3; void g... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Lottery Lab
I am working on my set/multisets lab for school. The lab that I am working on is a Lottery lab. My instructor said he created his contestants objects that hav...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> class Contestant { public: v... (by mutexe)
Explain to me iomanip
Can someone explain to me what this statement does; cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);
[4 replies] Last: ok that literally did not explain my question at all. If you took the... (by kbw)
Please help with this code. [#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(void) { string TheGood = "Jekyll", TheBad = "Hyde";...
[3 replies] Last: what is your worry about the code? (by shadowCODE)
Problems related to calculation/cin.getline();
Hi experts,I want to ask is there any mistakes of my calculation part? (cin>>night; and cout<<roomfees;). This is because when I input the number of nights, th...
[3 replies] Last: For the first question, I don't really understand what do you mean by... (by jlb)
Help with first programming asignment
[9 replies] Last: Use getline(cin,productName) instead of cin>>productName .This wil... (by shadowCODE)
Just started C++. Can't believe I can't find an explanation for this!! Please help.
So I just started self-teaching C++ yesterday and I'm already stuck. It's terrific learning it so far and has been a blast, but now I'm at a roadblock and findi...
[8 replies] Last: wow thank you all, I see the error in my ways. No! such a simple solut... (by d1ff1cul1010)
I need you to write this program for me
A dancing group with 10 dancers wish to increase the numbers of dancers they have by recruiting. The new dancers need to be grouped into weight category basge o...
[5 replies] Last: Use functname() to call a function, (by LendraDwi)
Problem in Code (Guessing-Game)
I am trying to create a guessing game. Everytime I execute, it only says the "couts." It lets me input numbers/letters, but, then it always says, "Would you lik...
[2 replies] Last: This wasn't an assignment. It was just goof-around code. :P Thanks dud... (by FusionPointInc)
Im a Beginner and im looking for a mate to program with in C++
I am totally new to c++ and am looking for a mate who wants to program with me. or even someone that could help me too :D Basicly i am looking for a friend w...
[16 replies] Last: Gmail : skype : thelasthunter96 (by meshb)
Issue with loan calculation program.
Hi, I'm having a small problem with this program I'm trying to write. It gets to the payment period function then gives me the else message by default, then giv...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, so now I've solved that issue, my last issue is with my math ... (by bigpurpleharness)
by ar2007
Xcode problem: ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
Hello! I tried to create a header, where I want to insert the functions that usually use, but when I try to compile with Xcode 5.1, I get this error: #ifndef...
[no replies]
Looking to form a Learner's Group
I'm looking to form a group of beginners so we can code and learn together (Is more fun and easier that way) and i'm a 14 yeard old that started learning Lua in...
[1 reply] : (by megatron 0)
by h4ever
how to compare string?
I have a condition and I want to evaluate the it as true when dirname is "0". Now it does not print any text. char dirname = "."; if ( dirname == "." || di...
[1 reply] : dirname is a pointer to your dirname array. You're trying to compare a... (by Ganado)
Help With Desk Program
I am trying to write a program which will prompt the user for the type of wood needed to build a desk and the number of drawers in order to calculate the cost o...
[2 replies] Last: Figured it out. I needed to make WoodChoice a string and then use get... (by AWASWA)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 4041424344... 51
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