Beginners - September 2014 (Page 41)

Where is qmake suppose to be located?
I can't seem to find the qmake from the Qt folder, where is it suppose to be located? I have tried Google but come up with nothing. Also, does Notepad++ supp...
[9 replies] Last: Yeah, I have created GUIs with Creator before. I wanted to start using... (by Moonraker101)
by Ch1156
C++ Book suggestions
I want to improve my C++, I have Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days 5th Edition, and C++ Primer 5th Edition which says it was "rewritten for the new C++ Standard", b...
[5 replies] Last: Alright I'll check it out, thanks. (by Ch1156)
Techniques for C++ prigrammer
Hi there, I'm relatively new to C++ programming but so far what i have done is few console projects at school. I want to be a C++ programmer(but not a game de...
[1 reply] : Unfortunately the best tools aren't the ones with demand. .Net, Visua... (by Krisando)
by Salad7
Toggle does not work. (resets default value)
Ok, this works the way i want it to, it refreshes every 5 seconds (i hope) but my problem is when i click home, the loop seems to restart and "ON" reverts to "O...
[1 reply] : I can't quite see what you're trying to achieve here, from the naming ... (by Krisando)
Great number help
I am going to be upfront this is for a homework assignment. I have been online and found I could've made this so much easier just making an array but I am stubb...
[6 replies] Last: cout << "enter a number: "; cin >> number; while (number !=0) { co... (by giblit)
erase last vector element ( crash)
I want to erase the last element from the vector. I then do vec.erase(vec.end() - 1) . How ever, the program crashes at this level. here is my code. whil...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you @shacktar, I now understand the reason for the crash. (by shadowCODE)
by Salad7
Ternary Operator
Thanks in advance, i have the following code, it returns an infinite statement and i know why cause of the while loop, but my problem is that it returns 1 inste...
[2 replies] Last: Perfect appreciate it. (by Salad7)
prime number (1,2)
I'm trying to make a program where user type a number and my program finds out if its prime or not and tells the user the result, but when i input the number 2 ...
[39 replies] Last: Yes it does. Sorry, I was moving and didn't have internet. Basically ... (by giblit)
Need help with pointers?
I've fixed most problems that I got help on, but now if I compile, the program will crash with no warnings or anything. Perhaps it's because I am screwing u...
[2 replies] Last: Wow embarrassing... Thanks for the help! Hopefully it will work this t... (by zombiesRtasty)
Referencing a variable in another function
Hello Everyone, Hello Everyone, EDIT: I am trying to reference a variable in my class called yolo. The variable is from an input that I want to use in m...
[5 replies] Last: Hello, Mutexe, sorry for the short response i closed my window. That ... (by losonnyboy)
AHHH simple 20 line code won't work need help
I am trying to write a function to get string length without using any library functions and with using pointers. I am obviously quite a novice in programming s...
[4 replies] Last: Line 11 was my mistake I thought I have to clarity what kind of value ... (by zombiesRtasty)
allow all cpp files in makefile
Im currently using this makefile CC=g++ CFLAGS=-c -I/usr/include/SDL2 -std=c++11 -Wall LDFLAGS= FLAGS=-lSDL2 -lSDL2_image SRC_PATH=data VPATH=${SRC_PATH} SOURC...
[1 reply] : See (by keskiverto)
Palindrome checking through Pointers
Don't know WTF is happening but the code is showing - "Yes it is a palindrome", even if it is not. Please heeeeeeelp. Preferring direct answers. URGENT. Gene...
[3 replies] Last: Of course a more direct approach would be to not make a copy, and not ... (by Chervil)
by yaaz32
System Date
Anyone perhaps know how i can get system date? Also once i get it, can i store it somewhere everytime i call it? I'm doing an atm exercise. So everytime th...
[2 replies] Last: Have you looked into the <chrono> header? (by LB)
Trouble using a function pointer
Hello all I'm trying to pass a function pointer to my traverse function by defining a new function called decreaseByOne that will decrease the value of the valu...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help ne555 I moved the decreaseByOne function into the ... (by trevormoon)
by Nezar
Why do u do that ?
hey guys, So, in the code below there's this piece of code that could be written in a way simpler way and still give the same result, but I've seen this probab...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, i got it ;) (by Nezar)
by chipp
(lil' bit OOT) C in microcontroller
sorry if out-of-topic, i need to ask about C programming in microcontroller. 1. what's the best compiler (or IDE) for programming C/C++ language for microcontr...
[5 replies] Last: 1. what's the best compiler (or IDE) for programming C/C++ language f... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Updating Source Code
hey, this was an mod i want to update to SDK 2013 ( i have no experience at all in c++) Source code link : ...
[no replies]
Simple httpsendrequest post data to index page
I"m trying to post some string to a localhost index.php page using httpsendrequest but it's not working. The application runs correctly, every function returns ...
[2 replies] Last: I already tried that, and it doesn't work.. where's the PHP code? I us... (by simptri69)
by Ch1156
Smart pointer help
Ok so in my program I am using smart pointers because the GUI i'm using uses them but I don't know how to use them in my program, I'm having trouble with pointe...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I tried that and My program still crashes because it cant get the i... (by Ch1156)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 51
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