Beginners - September 2014 (Page 38)

Fixing an error involving calling on a Class
Hey guys, This is my first time posting here so hopefully I'll be understandable. I'm taking CS 1410, which is C++. Here are the instructions for the lab. ...
[4 replies] Last: You are right LendraDwi. It compiles that way. I couldn't figure out h... (by patrickweiss52)
by Nabour
How can I make my code repeat?
I have a Homework assignment due. I have it mostly done but i am drawing a blank on how to get it to repeat the program. The assignment is to write a program th...
[2 replies] Last: Try this while(true){ //your code } or do{ //your code }whil... (by LendraDwi)
Take percentage of each input as it is being input
Hello, here is my version of Pseudocode for what I am trying to do, which I believe is quite simple however I cannot find the exact syntax for what I want. W...
[1 reply] : Use float or double instead of int (by LendraDwi)
'Else' without a previous 'if"
I am trying to make a program that asks user input of a number, if it is prime the program will save it to a file. If it is not prime, the program will not sav...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you. I appreciate your taking the time to help me better underst... (by MissPrimrose)
string print(string id){ return id; } What is the outcome of statement cout<< print(string id); used inside main()?
[1 reply] : There is no output because there is a syntax error in the statement c... (by LB)
Code runs very slow with new compiler
Hi! I wrote a very simple code to kinda stress test my PC, couldn't think of anything so I just thought to make 1 000 000 random MD5 hashes. It works very well...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=regdude]My only guess would be that the MD5 library is not mean... (by LB)
Issue deleting Node w/ one child
Hello all. I'm having issues with my code for deleting a Node from a BST with one child. I can't see why it is crashing my program. Here's a sample of how I ...
[1 reply] : Could it have something to do with my Node destructor? I'm really at ... (by KvltKitty)
Instantiate private object of another class
Okay, so I have a fairly straight forward question. I am working on a project where I am making a binary search tree. The assignment requires that we use a cl...
[4 replies] Last: If Btree doesn't need to know about Dictionary then you could have... (by LB)
Do user defined variables exist?
I am currently in the process of doing a very simple homework programming in my first programming class, however I am stuck. I need to find the area of a house ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again Chevril! You've been a great help! I put it in at 26 and ... (by nikg prog)
Prime number generator with vector.erase()
we are required to generate prime numbers from 1 to 300 using the vector class and the vector erase function(v.erase(v.begin+1)). We are told to delete the non ...
[9 replies] Last: welcome (by shadowCODE)
Reading in Strings
Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone could help me on a project that I'm working on. It's an exam grader. Basically, I have to write a program that grades...
[2 replies] Last: That easy, huh? Okay, well, thanks! (by psychoticbear)
HTTP Receiving file
I have couple problems. Is there some good way to strip down HTTP header from response since when receiving the first time there is some data from the file so...
[no replies]
by Ardaos
how to output a char array as binary to a file
I have 2 programs. One that prompts the user for 5 lines of a limerick poem and one that displays the limerick back to you. Well, it is suppose to anyways. I'm ...
[10 replies] Last: That's what the problem was. Thanks so much for your help. It is worki... (by Ardaos)
Search in vectors of struct for unordered_set and extract values from the struct
I'm trying to find a way to search in ** vectors of structs ** namely ` data ` for ** unordered_set of integer ** namely ` Temp1 ` such that: struct Sst...
[no replies]
Creating a Class for a main.cpp
!HELP PLEASE! can anyone guide me in the right direction with this program. i dont have thhe school book for the problem, but you can do it without it. this is ...
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Finding a number 1- 9999
I need my code to start at 1 and go to 9999. If the code meets the first if-statement it'll go on. If not, than it will start over and add 1 on to the previous ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes, first thing is that you need to make sure that everything below t... (by Smac89)
Finding the time between two dates?
Hey, I need to find the amount of years, months, and days between two dates. The first date comes from the user while the second is from the current date. I am ...
[no replies]
can someone please make me understand this question so that i can start writing a program for it
Write a program to find the date of the monday which comes after the third friday of the nearest month. Input : yyyy,mm,dd,Day Output : yyyy,mm,dd,Monday ...
[4 replies] Last: suppose the i/p is 29/1/2014 the o/p should be 24/2/2014 (by l3arner)
Not understanding how to add factorial
OK. I am using the book "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++" 2nd Edition. I am trying to do the drills for chapter 6. I have completed # 1 & 2. Here...
[no replies]
by LuXian
Simplifying and Fixing code for Finding nth Row of Pascal Triangle
I'm a noob in programming and can't simplify this messy code or even fix the error saying:error C2086: 'b' : redefinition. Please help me. Here's the code: ...
[no replies]
September 2014 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 51
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