Beginners - September 2014 (Page 29)

Calendar question
ok so two problems the first isn't a big deal because I'm slowly working it out (it is under the // basically need to give the user two chances to input correct...
[2 replies] Last: replace this code for line 27 to line 39 . That is, the segment... (by shadowCODE)
Simple integer conversion to binary, octal.
Hi, I manage to get the binary conversion right, but on the octal line, I get a 0. I can't seem to figure out what else I must do to get that calculation right...
[no replies]
Book Record Statement of work
1.0 Overview The Book Worm, a privately owned business dealing in a variety of books and periodicals is in need of a program that will store inventory record...
[5 replies] Last: If you have the tutorial open while you work on the assignment, you wi... (by LB)
[2 replies] Last: Your tables are 2x2, but you iterate 3x3 elements. Out of range error... (by keskiverto)
[1 reply] : Same comments as your other thread. (by AbstractionAnon)
data reading from a text file question
Hi all, I am trying to read data into a file, but I get very unexpected results. I need to play around with the data and do a polynomial interpolation later, s...
[6 replies] Last: The "Eigeg-energies file" is included in the first line of the input f... (by salaamlcmrs)
Inputting a Math Equation at Run Time?
So yesterday in Calc we learned about the trapezoid rule, the midpoint rule and Simon's rule. It's not necessary to "know" calculus to get them, they are simply...
[7 replies] Last: You can handle polynomials with integer exponents with out the need fo... (by hyperfine)
I want to do a loop as an alternative for GOTO,please help
Write your question here. Hey everyone. Im very new to programming and Im trying to create a text adventure game. Basically they get two options. choose A o...
[8 replies] Last: Im sorry, I didnt ignore it, I just understood it wrong. I copied line... (by TarikNeaj)
regarding constructor intializer list
why it is said that ..all the data members of a class must be initialized using intializer list rather than intializing them in the constructor.what are perform...
[5 replies] Last: Even with compiler optimizations, there are cases where the compiler i... (by LB)
Dungeon Crawler Monsters
I am generating random monsters, and it takes quite a while until the game is loaded, probably my way for generating random monsters is not very good. Also I a...
[5 replies] Last: Lines 44-51 and 126-133 are redundant. Drawing the map should be a se... (by AbstractionAnon)
I need help Microsoft Visual C++
Help I still don't know what he's asking. Create a CPP file named lab2 in Visual C++ with the source file containing the following lines. //***************...
[13 replies] Last: It looks like your instructor is getting you to do a very basic exerci... (by squished18)
[Help] Command Prompt Windows 7
Sorry for writing an off-topic. In a command prompt How can I view all the root directories including their sub-directories, one at a time?
[6 replies] Last: oops, sorry I typed the wrong extension. It should be txt. Im too ca... (by iamnoob15)
Problem with the placement of new operator
Here I submit two codes.The former one works while the other doesn't..Why? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int * talk = new int; ...
[5 replies] Last: Assign, no. Initialize, yes. int* talk = new int(29); (by cire)
C++ test
Is memory leak in this situation ? This was a C++ test. I said that it is memory leak. I wrote code then I debugged it. Visual Studio does not report memo...
[2 replies] Last: Visual Studio does not report memory leak. It's likely that VS uses ... (by Computergeek01)
Delete An Object In Inheritance dynamically
I'm facing a difficulty with this little question in my quiz question. Here's the question: - Write Two (2) C++ statement to allocate and delete an object of ...
[2 replies] Last: means that i need to use something like this? *ptr = Parents; ptr = ... (by qder12345)
clang doesn't like cin.ignore
Greetings! I've started first semester Computer Science, which isn't specifically a class in C++, but uses C++ to explore the concepts. Right now we are worki...
[6 replies] Last: Sure, but my point is: it would be more user-friendly if it gave some ... (by DoctorJ)
a part of line always equal to -zero
Hello, I was trying to figure out my problem alone, but looks like I am not able to do it, so.. My code is supposed to be Monte Carlo (MC) simulation to evalu...
[2 replies] Last: double deltat=1/365; 1/365 == 0 If you waht floating point number, ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Errors in passing data to fuctions
So I basically have to write a simple program that accepts a username and password then requires you to confirm it again. I also have to make it so that when yo...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks MiiNiPaa, managed to fix it. (by kethxenn)
Pointer and Array
Hi, I need some explanations regarding this code below. I do not know how to get the "cout" because I am totally blurred with the "*" and "&". Could anyone help...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! :) Now I have an idea what the code is about! (by Steven SPF)
by Cush
Program putting out my while statement wrong
So I'm doing a pretty simple program for class and I have a couple while statements in it but the issue is my while statement for my "tm" variable is coming out...
[5 replies] Last: OH! So I was right in my original one >.< Buggers, getting myself con... (by Cush)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 51
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