Beginners - September 2014 (Page 28)

by emah13
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command
When I try to run a program on SciTE, I get the error: '.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file. I have seen oth...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int num; ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Clearing Screen and displaying new screen
I am trying to write a program that has multiple options, basically if i press the values corresponding to "double exit" the screen will close and if i press va...
[2 replies] Last: algorithm header file had all of you need. look it up or search algor... (by xenovia12)
symbolic constant
i dont see any better use of #define i mean why should i use it when i can just declare a variable using constant constant km_per_miles=1.609; instead of ...
[3 replies] Last: k ty #define C "sucks" (by xenovia12)
by msrt92
Buble sort with pointers
How can i use pointers to pass the array to sort function? #include<iostream.h> void sort (int arr ); void main () { int arr ; cout<<"Enter Numbe...
[1 reply] : You... already using them. Line 19: array type decays to pointer here.... (by MiiNiPaa)
Point Type Class Getter/Setter Issue
I'm working with two classes (pointType and circleType). Right now, I'm just testing to make sure the functions work properly and it appears something is wrong...
[11 replies] Last: (by LB)
Having trouble with a card game assignment
Hey guys, I have an assignment due soon, and I cant figure out how to read my text files into structs and then have them displayed onto the screen. The code com...
[1 reply] : Basically there are two text files; one has all of the cards in the de... (by bedudkowski)
input multiple data types from file to array
Hi all, so I've been trying to put 3 different data types into 3 different arrays from an input file. However after the first 3 items it can't seem to read in t...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks man, you were a big help (by pandahamalia)
Need help with header files
Hello I am currently working on personal project and this is my first time using multiple .cpp/.h files. Here's main: #include <iostream> #include "...
[3 replies] Last: Ok, let me guess. Now your charcreat function is defined as not return... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Sylnox
Initialize a std::unordered_map object in a constructor initialization list
As the title says, I'm having trouble figuring out how to initialize an unordered_map object in my class constructor. Here are the very beginnings of the class...
[8 replies] Last: Yeah, those both seem...suboptimal. Looks like braces are the way to ... (by Sylnox)
Simple ifstream function not reading full file?
Hi :) I am trying to make a program that reads inputs from different days, saves the dates and other info in a text file and then has the option of reading if n...
[10 replies] Last: The learning curve is steep, but after a certain point things start ra... (by LB)
Right way to clear console screen
Hey I wonder how to clear a console screen for a frame update in tic tac toe or some kind of games ? I know that system("cls"); /*or*/ system("clear"); is no...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks :') maybe I'll start to learn SFML (by LendraDwi)
by wolfv
error: incompatible types in assignment of 'A* const*' to 'A* const [0]'
I am trying to initialize an array of pointers. Line 18 below has a syntax error. How can it be fixed? Thank you. #include <iostream> class A { p...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry I misstated by intent. I want to initialize B::prtsA to point t... (by wolfv)
by Pg0715
variables and operators: calculating change and display results
hey everyone im stuck on trying to get the change for my program to work I got this all down but I keep getting zero on my change please help #include <iost...
[8 replies] Last: ok I got it thank you I appreciate it (by Pg0715)
cross compiler
Hey there, can someone tell me the linux commands to compile a c file to avr and x86?
[1 reply] : Please do not post more than once: (by LB)
Help when checking for invalid inputs
This is an assignment for class. The problem and code are listed below. I've completed the assignment and it functions properly, except when checking for inval...
[1 reply] : You have some redundant checks (e.g. on line 30, it is guaranteed that... (by LB)
Priority Queue
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this abstract data type business. I understand how to make a queue and a stack, but this priority queue is throwing m...
[5 replies] Last: Your class is not copyable and you accidently neglected the ampersand ... (by LB)
Converting Letters in Strings to Caps/Lowercase
Hi, I'm new to programming and currently reading for a degree in Computer Science. I'm trying to figure out how to write a function that would read a strin...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <cctype> using namespace std; int mai... (by shadowCODE)
using multiple files
i've been coding for a couple of years now. i mostly write projects for embedded microchip pic processors. up until now i've used c. now i'm making my way to a ...
[8 replies] Last: If : file1.cpp compiles to file1.o file2.cpp compiles to file2.o file... (by ShodanHo)
Specific input
Im supposed to let the user cin a number that has to be a 4-digit number. how can i do so?
[11 replies] Last: if ( newpassword != password && newpassword < 1000 || newpassword > 9... (by shadowCODE)
Word list using strings
This is my homework assignment, I can probably program myself out of a paper bag. Any help would be appreciated. Write a program that asks the user how ma...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int mai... (by shadowCODE)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 51
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