Beginners - September 2014 (Page 27)

If (int a) problem
So here is part of a code i got: DLLIMPORT void lv_ocl_Scalar_subtract(int sc, int ocl_src1, int dst, int mask, int *err) { try { if (mask) subtract(*(...
[3 replies] Last: No. If it's undefined, you will get a compiler error and will not get... (by AbstractionAnon)
Hello, fast noobi question
So I'm doing some work here and see stuff like this: ((oclMat*)abc)->type(); If someone could help explain what exactly does this line do it would be very...
[2 replies] Last: Very helpful, thank you (by DaGoblin)
Using char array?
I am completely lost in my progress and have no idea what path to take. I've spend several days searching for ideas online, but I haven't been able to compile m...
[4 replies] Last: It looks like the problems must be sorted in the output, so you can't ... (by dhayden)
Understanding how the compiler works
Hello, I'm studying the C++ programming language and I have a probleam with my book: so why my book before says : what you writw is called source code and wha...
[3 replies] Last: If the program is contained in one file, you can often compile directl... (by dhayden)
by Jhub
Last "else if" statement problem
hello, I create a simple program with many else if statements which do simple math, my problem is my last else if statement (quadratic) will not execute, also ...
[5 replies] Last: Got it thank you Peter and Mikey, you guys saved me! (by Jhub)
Parentheses and commas between variables
I want to add parentheses and commas to this code to make it look like (x,y) cout<<"Circle Circ 1 and Circ2 contain point "<<CircxQ<<CircyQ; where (circxq...
[2 replies] Last: What is the problem? Do you realize that A and B are equivalent: // ... (by keskiverto)
Please delete.
[2 replies] Last: are you in your senses ? (by ButchCavendish)
by Nezar
how to approach an opensource project for learning purposes ?
Hello there, I've recently dived in the ChessPlusPlus project, and i read the code this way : I start from the main function ( in Main.cpp ), i go through ...
[1 reply] : Sorry to say but please your problem more clearly (by ButchCavendish)
Program 16 (1,2,3)
Hello, I have written a code that is probably filled with errors but I haven`t had much time lately looking to C++ so that could be expected. Here is the desc...
[56 replies] Last: why are you making it too long ? (by ButchCavendish)
Help my game
I need help with this part of my code. When the total gets between 2 and 4 it needs to let me choose a number after the computer if the number is 1. If the numb...
[no replies]
Hi, I am struggling with this program in my C++ Class. Create a C++ program that accepts two integers from the user and then determines the parity of the f...
[1 reply] : What's the problem? Right now you're only reading in one number, when ... (by booradley60)
Using a loop problem.
I have to make a loop for this one: [1/(2*1)] + [1/(2*2)] + [1/(2*3)] + ... +[1/(2*i)]. I've made a code like this but the result always is 0... I don't even kn...
[3 replies] Last: Ahhh, thank you both. (by xTripper)
passing a struct to a class
i want to write a generic class that i can configure by passing an "initialize" function that is in the class a struct by reference. the reason i want to do it ...
[6 replies] Last: sorry, that reply was to "LB" (by viniisiggs)
"..." was not declared in this scope??
Write your question here. Hey. Im working on a text adventure game and Im not sure if the way Im doing it is the best. Basically in the beginning you can choos...
[9 replies] Last: Then I will take your warning to heart, and after Im done with this on... (by TarikNeaj)
Filling array
Hi, I created the following code into netbeans 8.0 to test my concepts: int main(int argc, char** argv) { int mat ,i,j; for(i = 0; i < ...
[2 replies] Last: I did a test showing the address of the position and position ... (by andrelduarte)
Fun with Functions, my solution
Hello all! I want to share my solution to the beginner problem Fun with Functions. I hope that someone will find it helpful! Any suggestion for improvement a...
[6 replies] Last: What is so bad about indentation? It is not intuitive. The statemen... (by keskiverto)
by Cronin
Starting back into c++.
Hey guys. Just here to ask you a few questions. How long does it take to become a proficient c++ programmer if I spend one hour a day learning and practising. I...
[3 replies] Last: Books: http://s... (by JLBorges)
Simple Calculator Expression Solver
Hi I'm trying to create a simple calculator which can read continuous inputs for eg. it can do this x+y or x+y+z or 5+3-6+9/2 or a+b+c+d+e..... and so on. I h...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks your your reply but I was hoping for a source code in c++ to un... (by Fateslayer)
by EvE12
Spam problem
In the code everything works fine but at last in line 33 the code say 0 to continue and any key to finish the program while I press and letter the console spam ...
[5 replies] Last: And so do "0" Fixed.. Thanks (by EvE12)
by MrMind
Problem compiling cryptopp
Hi I have been trying so hard compiling cryptopp library in visual studio 2012 and code::blocks. I have read many tutorials around that, thus far no success. u...
[4 replies] Last: oops, i missed that. You might compile/link with the wrong compiler/li... (by coder777)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 51
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