Beginners - September 2014 (Page 16)

Need help with my text game C++ program
Hello everyone, this is my first time creating a topic on this forum and I could really use the help. The problem with this code is the execution. Meaning, the ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you for your input. I was finally able to solve it. Turns out yo... (by deathslice)
Function overloading and type differences
Yes, this is a homework question but I'm hoping to be pointed in the right direction rather than obtain any kind of answer. My task: 1. Create a 'Point' class ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the heads up on the operator overloads, removed the assignm... (by Hotsauce)
Regarding Inline Storage
Hi all, lets take a sample code class A { int c; public: inline int func(int a,int b) { c=a+b; } }; int main() { A a; int (*p)(int,int); //functi...
[2 replies] Last: Also functions defined inside class declaration are implicitely inline... (by MiiNiPaa)
Header file c++
2.2.1 The class shall contain the following private variables: (1) a character array called m_sName, (2) a long called m_lStockNum, (3) an integer called m_iCla...
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
Diamond Asterisks Code. Really Need Help!
I am in my 1st month of coding. I know the very basic things about it. This code is way out of my league... I have to write a code for a diamond of asterisks. ...
[no replies]
Hi, Im fairly new at C++ and I need help with a C++ program. I have worked on the program all day since its due fairly soon. I can't seem to get this program wr...
[2 replies] Last: You should have a closer look at while loops if you are having problem... (by kenrim626)
Create a Telnet client server session to set Negotitation
Hello, I am trying to write a code for Telnet client server session which sets negotiations between them. Like WILL, WON'T,DO , DON'T. I wrote a basic client...
[no replies]
I don't understand C++
Help I don't know what to do. For this lab, you must be able to write up a source file, compile, link, and execute the program. You must write a C++ lang...
[2 replies] Last: Examples: (by mutexe)
static object destructor
Hi all, why both static object destructors and global ones are called after exit from main(). please explain thank you,
[1 reply] : [quote=Standard]3.6.3 Termination [basic.start.term] 1 Destructors (12... (by MiiNiPaa)
hello im trying to track how many the user will input 10 or greater than #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a ,b,c=0; for(b = 0;...
[6 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon oops sorry. i mean my code or this one #include <i... (by xenovia12)
by Anns
Delay Load
Hi, I'm delay loading a dll lets say delay.dll. During the loading can we say where to look for the dll.? I have one control process which will spawn mult...
[2 replies] Last: Take a look at this: (by coder777)
by Nebur
Error when counting inversions in a sequence
Hello, I want to code a program that counts all the inversions in a sequence of integers. An inversion is a pair of indices i,j such that i<j but xi > xj. ...
[no replies]
How to print alphabets using any loop?
Output should be something like this: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
[4 replies] Last: but any case there is no need to cast it thats why i said there many... (by xenovia12)
Static members in derived classes
I am writing my first program for studies (a game) and I have set up a base sprite class which then has a number of derived sprites, player, enemy etc. I was wa...
[6 replies] Last: Oh my god.... Now I just feel stupid >.< Ok now it works - thank you... (by Vaengence)
Functions / Get and set
void getName(char *name), void setName(char *name)--The getName() function shall be defined as a pointer function. A call to this function will copy the member ...
[2 replies] Last: I am sorry, I was tired. Original (by vatsalbp)
by Cronin
How do I get the compiler to access an array change its value and paste the New array values to a text file on my desktop. Lets say I have a blank array. It ca...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks... (by Cronin)
by Pg0715
calculates sales tax
ok so I was able to read the file but stuck on calculating the sales tax by tax by total and tax by item #include <iostream> #include <string> #includ...
[8 replies] Last: What you need to be doing is take the price, divide it by 100 and mul... (by Codermik)
by Ion93
Phone provider program help please
Hey guys i need help on how i can calculate a user savings if he were to switch to a different package than the one chosen at the beginning. The packages are ...
[5 replies] Last: no worries. you didnt seem to read the 2nd part of my post :) 1. as... (by mutexe)
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int expr; int age; string gender; string status; cout << "Input your driving experience" <<endl...
[3 replies] Last: My code doesnot compile right. Your compiler should at least tell y... (by mutexe)
Weird Error
I run my code here, and i receive a weird windows error that says "student.exe has stopped working" anyone have an idea? #include <iostream> #include <string...
[1 reply] : The errors are in this: class Foo { public: Foo(); private: int n... (by keskiverto)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 51
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