Beginners - September 2014 (Page 13)

can someone explain what he means with this? (from a tutorial e-book), i tried and as i could figure out nValue1 doesn't become 1.0 (and you can't change da...
[3 replies] Last: Makes more sense now, thanks (by Jacobhaha)
Problem with nested loop in prime sieve program
Hello all, I'm new to the forums and C++ (having previously programmed in fortran). I've been trying to write a program to print out the prime numbers up to a ...
[no replies]
ASCII strikes again...happy face?
So I have a smiple job to do, and being that I learned a little java( tricycle ) before tackling C++ (Mountain bike)( what REAL programs do, according to my pro...
[6 replies] Last: WOW thank you, to all of you. I hadn't notice that my type at the star... (by dumbAnswer)
by clock
I can not stop my loops
In the code below I can never actually stop the program by entering a blank space as it is supposed to. Does anyone know why? //sqauredemo //demonstrates t...
[no replies]
Crazy values for discount
I have this function in a program that calculates the discount received by a customer for movie ticket and popcorn based on the amount bought. It seems that ...
[1 reply] : On line 7 - you're assigning the value of 0 to numpopcorn - I think yo... (by wildblue)
Problem with Qt Object names
I have created the widegts in the form editor and changed their object names. I then save the form and then run the code. I get the error error: 'primaryOrd...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by shadowCODE)
GUI with Visual Studio 2013
How can I create a GUI easily with VS 2013? Thank you.
[no replies]
by Jhub
using the find function
Hello, I am trying to use the find function to find when there is a period in a sentence. The code I have written always finds a period even when there is not...
[11 replies] Last: got it thank you, I found the error of my ways (by Jhub)
Please Help? Confused on how to do this ?
a) A circuit has four inputs, P, Q, R, and S, representing the natural binary numbers 0000 = 0, to 1111 = 15. P is the most-significant bit.The circuit has one ...
[10 replies] Last: (by keskiverto)
Please help a Noob out...
Hello World I am at a loss with c++, Please help. The totalpremium is calculated wrong and the check for right input on marital also fails. I have the fo...
[3 replies] Last: Awesome tips!! And what speed. Thank You !! I am tired and missed ... (by StartingLifeinCPP)
Prime Factorization Program
FRESHMAN PROBLEMS! Gosh I know that this topic may be a piece of cake to you guys but ugh. This is already past due but still, I can't create a coherent code t...
[3 replies] Last: Instead of just printing every instance of "i", which would be the pri... (by Ganado)
ATM (beginner) debit program
So I have one main concern, whenever I run the program and choose a selection, it will not allow me to input any information. It simply loops back to the select...
[12 replies] Last: thank you:) (by ashlclm)
A guidance for ideas to program a robotic vehicle
Hi friends... im a starter in college and knows c and c++ languages up to basics.. im now willing to do a project of a robotic vehicle just a small one but n...
[no replies]
Regarding references
it is said that references once intialized to one object cannot refer to another object i wrote a code like class A { // some data members and functions }...
[1 reply] : ref=b; //but this works fine here you are not rebinding the reference... (by MiiNiPaa)
Header file compilation error
The compiler used for this code is ancient ,I am using turbo c++ 3.0(school requirements can't be helped) to run the code but there are some compiler errors th...
[4 replies] Last: yes the private constructor was intentional why? Our textbook says tha... (by complovr980)
[Help pls]
Why so big spaces? I dont what to do right now? Its already 1 am here and hoing to school at 4am, help pls.. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Why so big spaces? Clearly what's causing the spaces is line 15: c... (by greenfox)
Time Limit Exceeded
I am finding and counting the last word from text file, it seems to be working on codeblocks but when running on mooshak it says time limit exceeded. Also when ...
[7 replies] Last: And works now with numbers, thank you! (by andrir13)
Printint contents of vector<string>
I want to print the contents of the vectors i have created that have strings pushed back to them. I have an initialize function that reads in two strings from ...
[12 replies] Last: I'd also like to note that the strings that we use as input for the ve... (by spotzform)
Someone who can code please help!
ALERT: I am trying to learn to code, but I am completely and utterly challenged when it comes to computers, but to graduate with a CS minor I must complete a C+...
[1 reply] : Please don't repost the same question multiple times http://www.cplusp... (by Z e r e o)
How to make the program repeat the whole quiz if FAIL
Hello, i'm a newbie and just learning with C++ on Visual Studio 2010. I'm making a quiz for an assignment. I just want to add a loop for which if the answer is ...
[5 replies] Last: I don't know if this will work as your using C but write a code that s... (by Duckface)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 51
  Archived months: [aug2014] [oct2014]

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