Beginners - September 2014 (Page 11)

by NOD32
I need help reformatting my if-else statements
Write your question here. I've made a program that accepts cent input between 5 and 100, and returns change in quarters/dimes/nickels. When I input 85, it sh...
[4 replies] Last: sorry about that. you were right, I didn't need all of those condition... (by NOD32)
by yak
Arrays in functions C++
This code seems to only work while the array (dArray ) is initialized with a set of given numbers instead of user inputs. This code is supposed to calculate: *...
[5 replies] Last: I figured it out, I had to change dValues to dValues and works now. ... (by yak)
why am i getting this error
i keep getting the error saying that the system cannot find the specified file, what does that mean. the assignment is to write a program that converts yards a...
[9 replies] Last: Good job mrahim! ....Totally missed that line 12...Nice catch! (by novellof)
hai :D can you help me , make a program that can display a number and its square root. in decending order,by just using : #include <iostream> using namespace s...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { system("co... (by kurtss198704)
Multi Arrays
Hi guys, im trying to print out my array. Im not sure why i get crazy numbers. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int rashad...
[1 reply] : Your array elements are rashad not rashad or rashad . So you need t... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by pjalli
Problem with numbers
We have 5 differern files that include text in txt format. We have to find and counting the last word or number from text file, how often it occurs in the text....
[3 replies] Last: I found out the reason for this not to work, the pos++ have to be +... (by pjalli)
batch file to create DLL
hi. i am trying to use a batch file to create a dll. everything seems in place how ever when i execute my batch file i get the following g++ error: file.cpp no ...
[no replies]
Fatal Error C1075
I'm still learning C++ and in class we were tasked to make a program to have the user input 3 numbers and have the output showing them in ascending order. Using...
[1 reply] : You're missing the } for the end of main. If you had used sensible in... (by AbstractionAnon)
Please help with calculating area of shapes
Hi everyone I desperately need help with an assignment to calculate the area of shapes using functions. PLEASE be patient as I am very new and I am doing my bes...
[11 replies] Last: You need only one switch (choice) Your switch statement at line 39 ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Help with parsing a text file content and saving it to a vector
Hello, I have written the same program using iostream, but now want to do it using fstream. Any STL container can be used. I am trying to parse input from...
[19 replies] Last: ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! Thanks for all of you guys. I had two files tha... (by JoshuaMostafa)
run time error
I'm getting an error and I don't understand why. I'm reading in a file of numbers that I need to convert from characters to a number that I store in an array. T...
[3 replies] Last: Make your function to accept reference to istream as one of the para... (by MiiNiPaa)
Need Help with an If Else Statement!!!
//Homework 3 //Gary Walker #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void main() { ifstream fin; ofstream fo...
[10 replies] Last: Problem solved. Can't believe I put a semicolon on a while loop.... (by GaryWalker96)
by akai09
Does anyone do 1on1 c++ tutor session?
[3 replies] Last: I see you have made a separate post there, you dont have to make a new... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'std::string' to 'char'
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question... I just started taking a course to learn C++ and don't have any previous experience, so be gentle :) I keep getting th...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for explaining to me exactly what my incorrect code was atte... (by leoraelkins)
regarding passing arguements
during function calling.which is better pass by value or pass by const reference and it is said that in c++ function arguements are sent through const refernec...
[3 replies] Last: For simple variables (ints, doubles, etc), passing by value is fine. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Control Microphone Boost
Hello everybody.
[1 reply] : I'm confused. Do you want to understand the source code? Or do you w... (by kevinkjt2000)
by LuckyR
Misunderstanding a simple for loop
Again, a stupidly simple problem that has be vexed. In the below code, n is set to 10, n is then checked to see if it is greater than zero, it is, so n is t...
[6 replies] Last: Oh okay, I missed that when following tutorials. I got confused and as... (by LuckyR)
Can I use an Else statement after a Try Catch?
I've written a simple function that's meant to check whether files are open. In it I've written a simple exception, but should the exception throw nothing, shou...
[1 reply] : 1) return false will cause the function to exit immediately. 2) ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by krad23
Where to extract functions for cleanup
I have a number of functions in my cpp file and I would like to do a bit of cleanup, move some functions to other files. My question is what would be the best a...
[3 replies] Last: Templates go in header files. Templates are a special case because te... (by AbstractionAnon)
How would I fix these errors?
When I try to run it, it will go so far as the distance then stop. But it will not tell me a legitimate value for the distance, always 1. What it should do is a...
[15 replies] Last: How would I fix the uninitialized variables? Don't use the variabl... (by AbstractionAnon)
September 2014 Pages: 1... 910111213... 51
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