Beginners - September 2013 (Page 55)

The confusing logic of the palindrome
Ok, worlds worst programmer here. I must admit, this isn't nearly as confusing as figuring out the confusing logic of the hollow printed square using loops, bu...
[1 reply] : No need to convert the number to an actual number before checking if i... (by Smac89)
C++ array based list
Hello, I am writing a menu based program that has the following array based list functions: #include <iostream> using namespace std; in...
[9 replies] Last: I did not test very well ,if some errors occur please dont hesitat #... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
Overloading insertion operator with map
Hi, This is my code: #ifndef PHONEBOOK_H #define PHONEBOOK_H #include <map> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <ostream> #include "Abonent.h" c...
[10 replies] Last: //There is also the C++11 auto keyword redefinition, which would let... (by Observer)
Difference between new and placement new
Was reading up on the placement new operator and was perplexed by the usage of the operator. What is the difference between the placement new and new? I know th...
[1 reply] : (by Daleth)
by mattho
Noob here, need help with
Thanks Josue Molina #include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; int main() { cout << "Please Enter Two Integers : " << endl...
[3 replies] Last: It's all, on line 14. Trace the code; it's not that long. :-) (by Josue Molina)
Help deconsturct error. Proceedural program outputs correctly / Functional version output is erroneous / unexpected
My gut tells me I am doing something wrong here, but I am stumped. This program runs #include <iostream> #include <math.h> /* sqrt */ #include <iomanip> //...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for your input!! Really helped. (by Bdanielz)
by Donna
I am having trouble understanding why the numbers I have in my text file arn't being compared to find the largest number. int largest = arr ; f...
[3 replies] Last: A for loop? (by Superdude)
Having problem displaying a array of characters or symbols.
Hi, I am having an issue with my code, I have tried many solutions but just can't figure it out. I have a array of floats, so decimal numbers, they are const...
[16 replies] Last: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* Declare any constants */ /* ... (by lemonysage)
Problem with sdl build error
i have included all directories as told in lazy foo there are no errors until solution is build. error discription is Error 1 error MSB4014: The build stopped ...
[no replies]
WHILE LOOP fails to exit
I have run the bit of code below with a single digit as the exist condition, and it works, and have since been trying a number of things to make it work and I d...
[4 replies] Last: Oh.. your right. Thank you very much. For some reason I could not see ... (by FallenHawthorne)
templates confusion
I guess i am still trying to understand templates. One thing i dont understand is if i am using a string for example, i have to define <std::string> for is_in()...
[2 replies] Last: ooooooooh ok, thanks (by metulburr)
Copy Constructor Failing
In my program, I have created an array class. However, even though I have a deep copy constructor, it only works for the first element of the actual array. Plea...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, right. That makes complete sense now... Thanks for the help. (by AnonymousAccount)
by Hotice
Pointer initialized to 0 doesn't change after dynamic allocation
I am trying to make a binary search tree. I have a struct for nodes of a tree defined as such: struct node { node() { //making leftNode, righ...
[7 replies] Last: Reference to pointer solved the problem! Thank you very much!! //Now, ... (by Hotice)
What's wrong with my strcat function?
I'm writing a program that concatenates the strings in an 2D array. There are 200 strings. Ex1: Tom Ford Jerry West Micheal Jordan Kenny Smith Sean Connery To...
[no replies]
switch problem
Hello, forum. I was reading through my C++ book and testing out each thing I've been taught, only to find myself met with an usual problem. When you run thi...
[1 reply] : If you input invalid characters into cin, it will enter an error state... (by firedraco)
arrays and functions -
Write your question here. Doing a programming exercise and I would like to take the below code block and change it to a function. // Print Small ...
[9 replies] Last: Final code with all of your help.. still open for feedback but otherwi... (by Bdanielz)
Hello everybody!. I decided to stop using system("pause") function for gaining good programming habbits. After reading and examing the "Hello world" post of th...
[6 replies] Last: Got it. (by Daleth)
Where do I go from here?
Hey everyone, I am a beginning C++ programmer. I have taken a structured programming class at my college and have done some extensive studying on my own. I have...
[3 replies] Last: You should also make sure that you are familiar with the new C++ stan... (by Daleth)
Output prompt display to text file
The following code simply asks the user for their name and then prints "Hello, !" When run from a Windows command prompt it runs as expected with this output ...
[9 replies] Last: You can copy the entire program to a text file as long as every cout c... (by Mats)
comparing classes
i have 2 objects and i need to know if all the values inside the object are identical for both. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Hel...
[7 replies] Last: Just use operator == thats the only way to compare any object? Its jus... (by giblit)
September 2013 Pages: 1... 5354555657... 64
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